Party Pooper!

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Dad unlocks the front door to the house with mom, me, Eric, and Xach waiting behind him. When he finally opened it, I took off upstairs with Xach following me. I open the door to my room and let Xach in behind me. He has been in here before but its still weird for me. I'll get used to it evenually. I take out my back pack and throw some clothes in it.

Lily being Lily decided we need a after party. So she wants to go to this party thats at the house of this rich guy that used to go to school with us. This is what she said and I quote,"There are free booze so we are definedly going!" Thats our Lily.

Anyway after the party we are suppose to go back to Lily's place for a sleepover. Like what we did back in freshman year.

"Hey you okay? You just stop moving all of a sudden." I turn around to see Xach right in my face. When did he get up? I peck him on the lips.

"Yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought." I say and walk to the bathroom to get my toiletries.

When I'm done I put the backpack on my shoulder and grab my phone, phone charger, headphones, and car keys. We jog, well Xach jogs I can't in these heels, down the stairs.

"Alright guys we're off." I tell my parents. I hug them both and tell them I love them. I do the same to Eric and he and Xach did there handshake. We walk outside and walk to my car. Then we speed out of my parents drive way.


I pull into 7 Eleven and park the car infront of the gas pump and turn off the engine.

"I'm going in, do you want anything?"
I ask him.

"No, I'm coming in with you. I don't need anyone hitting on you." He said getting out of the car and . I smile. I walk toward the store and Xach comes up behind me and grabs hold of my hand.

A young man around my age held open the door for me and check me out in the process. Then he saw that I was holding hands with Xach and walked away. We entered the store and all eyes are on me. I ignore everyone that looks at me and go to the refrigerated area. I grab myself a Dr. Pepper and look at Xach to see what he wanted.

"Coke is fine." He says and looks back at what was on the shelf.

He puts an arm around my waist and we walk to the register. I paid for the drinks and for pump number four.

We walk out of the store and I put gas in the car. Then we pulled out of the gas station. It took us about ten minutes to pull up to Lily's house.

I put the car in park and pull up the emergency brake and turn off the car's engine.

"Hey, talk to me you haven't said anything since we left the gas station." I finally say. I put my hand up and caress his cheek.

"Its nothing." he says.

"Xach you can't lie to me. I've known you long enough to know when you lieing." I say. He let out a sigh knowing that I was right.

"Back in the store when that guy tried to touch you, and all of the other guys were staring at you. I felt a little insecure. You looked extraordinary, compared to me being ordinary." He said.

I laugh."You're so dumb. Do you honestly think I would go with anyone else but you. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me." I lean across the console and pulled his face toward me and touched his lips with mine.

"Now stop pouting you look cute with a smile." I laugh.

"You know I hate it when you call me cute." He playfully glares at me and smiles pecking my lips again.

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