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We had a team. Sam, Dean, Castiel, Myself, Gabriel, and Rowena. I helped Dean pack up while Rowena threw together the spell. Rowena expressed her concern about only having a day to do everything. Gabriel came back with the smallest amount grace I've ever seen. But Gabriel assured us it was legit, so we all got ready to cross over and Rowena preformed the spell. The rift opened, but then... fizzled out and closed.

"Okay..." Dean muttered.

"Good thing we didn't go in there." I shrugged.

"What do we do now?" Dean asked.

"You know." Castiel said.

"Yeah yeah..." I sighed.

"No." Sam cut in."

"Sam. We need Lucifer." Castiel said.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel went into the other room while Rowena and Gabriel prepared the spell. Again.

"It's not always like-"

"Stop." Rowena and I interrupted Gabriel.

"Look, just because I take a bit longer to recover-"

"Gabriel. I really don't want to hear about this." I turned and looked at him. He made an embarrassed face.

"It doesn't make me any less of an archangel!" He snapped.

"Right..." Rowena muttered.

"You know, maybe it wasn't me. Maybe-"

"It was the ingredient. A drunk 5 year old could've done this spell." Rowena smirked. I suppressed a giggle.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and plopped down in a chair next to me.

"You think they're going to be much longer?" He asked.

"With all those pep-talks and bro-hugs and melodrama? Count on it..." Rowena went back to the book she was reading. Gabriel looked to me.

"Why do you think I didn't go in there?" I smirked. He gave me a look. I sighed. "Fine. I'll go get them." I stood up and went to the boys, leaving Gabriel and Rowena to their own devices... Gross.

"-Another fun great choice." Sam was muttering. The room was quiet when I walked in. They looked at me.

"Uh... You guys ready?" I asked them.

"Yeah." Sam swallowed, looking back at me. Something hit him. "Hang on..." He stood.

"What?" I made a face. He just nodded.

"Let's get back to Gabe and Rowena." He said. The three moved past me.

"I don't think you should- Guys!" I turned and rushed after them, bumping into Castiel, who was standing shocked with Sam and Dean as Rowena and Gabriel scrambled to their feet, trying to say they were just reading.

"Did you boys... arrive, at a decision?" Rowena asked.

"Sam has a plan." Dean said, after a long, ling silence.

I made a call to a dear friend, who told me where Lucifer was with no issues. After we had a location, Gabriel magic-roofied Lucifer. At a bar, trapping him in a bar that he had created with his own powers. Rowena came and tied him up with some of her own magic. They brought him back to us, knocked out.

"Oh hey... He's waking up." I said as Rowena finished up the spell.

"Oh Nellwyn. I was wondering where you went." He nodded at me. He looked around. "All the people I love to torture, all in the same room." He smiled. Rowena placed the bowl in front of him. He sighed.

Nellwyn Spencer-Winchester (Part 3 of the adventures)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن