untitled part 7

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Mønths we støød apart, but we were held and bøund tø inches øf distance

I played a røle that matched my wørth as I watched yøu tease me with a kiss upøn yøur cherry tinted thumb

"Whispers are løuder than silence" my demøns said

"My thøughts are løuder than whispers!" I shøt back, earning a multilayered echø, which øf cøurse, left me feeling self cønsciøus

Dø yøu realize that each time the twø øf us interact, I am encløsed intø an illusiøn øf firewørks?

Yelløw and gøld, I shall nøt førget

I sigh as my spirit walks aløng the lakeside

"What dø I say tø her? I've said tøø much in tøø little time and yet...she seems tø be vaguely curiøus øf my øverstatements"

A flash øf light stung intø my skin, penalizing my bødy før it's uncøncealed lust

A deep breath is barely felt.

That deep breath cøunts før nøthing

I die as I live

My fingers are crøssed, grasping a cørd, leading frøm heaven, døwn tø my empty røøm

And then heaven disappears.

And all I'm left with is a single stream øf confetti

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