disabled in the møment

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My wøunds shed tears øf their øwn, thus, rubbing salt in themselves

And nøw, møre than ever, i am aware that fear is nøt an emøtiøn

It is a respønse frøm øne's nervøus system, cømmunicating with the bødy as the mind prøcesses the cømpøsure øf the bødy

Fear is a sudden døwnfall that either leads tø cøwardice ør cøurage

But the beam between the twø is as narrøw as the space between my eyes

Døn't see me as a cøward please, før I am ønly afraid øf dismantling the hearts øf øthers

Døn't see it as i wøuldn't try før her, when in fact, I'd sacrifice my life før the sake øf her safety

Døn't ridicule me før nearly respønding tø the guild that cønsumes me

Understand that nervøusness is a disability

Øne that may nøt be permanent but it is effective

Nervøusness is the cause øf anxiety

Ønly nervøusness is nøt frøm the mind, despite what is believed

Nervøusness affects øne's nerves, as the name implies

And while øne's nerves are under such a disability, øne cannøt cøntrøl themself lest they are pacified by a drug

Nervøusness is almøst impøssible tø nøt react tø

Because it cøntradicts yøur muscle møvement

It deactivates yøur faith

Nervøusness is just the same as nerve damage, with the exceptiøn øf nøt being an injury

Yet it still affects øne's bødy tø the same extent

And last night, that's what was happening tø me

Sø, dø nøt label me as a cøward før having a difficult time suppressing my nerves

Instead, yøu øught tø understand that i was....... disabled in the møment

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