untitled part 9

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My eyes will sørt, desperately thrøugh my mirrøred circumstances, just as I expect them tø

Her majesty in vain? Nø, I'd rather be delivered tø her in a sense relating tø the heart øf a pig

Ups and døwns føretøld but ønly accepted when peace is amøngst my wørld

And tø be quite hønest, yøur tøuch døesn't tickle yet it triggers an episøde øf shivers

My teeth chatter viølently, mimicking the swørd fight that labeled my past

My søul is the sphere that cømpletes the final eclipse

And thøugh my cønfidence lacks cønsistency, I fully expect that yøu will all take me seriøusly

These wørds will nøt be my last

And knøw that a leader is bruised før every time his bødy falls tø the grøund

But as a leader, I have set lines, in ørder tø end wars

Alløw me tø apøløgize før my lack øf cømpøsure

I try my best and it ønly adds up tø mediøcrity

But før me, disability is far tøø familiar

I'll take my leave, after øne last thøught is expressed

Dø listen as I let myself admit the truth

And that is that my life is nøt bending at my will.

It sure as hell, never will

Because remember, I søld my very søul tø a disappears act, whø's trick was ønly half met

In trusting her as my cømpaniøn in such business, I feel as if I've let my audience døwn

And the regret will følløw me, by a leash

Regret is mine tø øwn

I feed it

I bathe it

I øffer it høspitality

My regret is my høuse guest

My pet

My neighbør

I respect it as my brøther

My friend

My cø-wørker

Yet, just like yøu, it's failed tø keep me cømpany

This all being said, I cønclude my bøut øf inferiørity

Farewell tø yøu

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