untitled part 8

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What a thøught prøvøking predicament

I seem tø be løst upøn a fascinating, yet redundant røad øf prideful pleasure?

I receive benefits, regarding my humane cøntention før adventure

But in døing sø, I find that my mørals will be questiøned by pøtential jurørs

Such a mess øf a cønflicted bøy

He fends for himself yet dønates his mind and bødy tø thøse whø cater tø his needs

Selfish ør divine

Pathetic ør innøvative

Cømpare me tø the criminal kind, I dare you

See me før what my actiøns add up tø, whilst paying nø mind tø my actual intentiøns

Just being aware øf the fact that the møst dignified perspective øf the wørld, is based øn emøtiønless søciety, makes my skin crawl

Nøw, nøw, let's nøt løse track øf the discussiøn at hand

Yøu see, my sense øf prøgression has been rendered narrøw, as my lack øf interest has cløsed in øn me

Sø then, I cønfine myself tø the møst prøsperøus area in my jurisdictiøn, that is, until further nøtice
But if I'm sø intent øn indulging in this particular area, døes this taint my purity?

Are my acts immøral, or are they excused by the løgic øf my captivatiøn?

I can't explain it

Nøt in the wørds yøu'd knøw, first hand

But I've traced circles in the range øf my talents and because sø, I've løst cøntact with a feeling øf refreshment

And nøw, I am left with øne thing

Sø tell me if I'm wrøng før reaching øut tøwards the feeling of simply nøt gøing numb

Tell me if I'm wrøng før creating adventure upøn the øne and ønly place where I'd see sømething new

Tell me if I'm wrøng før my ambitiøn tøwards discøvery and develøpment

But abøve it all, knøw that the bløød øn my hands, was lent tø me, by willing veins.

Knøw that my crimes were ønly cøllabøratiøns, between myself and the alleged victims

And knøw that I'd never place my hands in such areas withøut legitimate cønsent

Because based øn mørality, I am indecently innøcent

But by law, I am nøthing øf the sørt.


Øf the sørt.

Punk Pøetry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora