untitled part 10

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Am I wrøng før wishing yøu were here?
Yes, I'm wrøng
I'm very wrøng før impøsing øn such a yøung girl whø is lacking in life's experience
But hear me øut
Beføre yøu, I was a dragøn, slain tø bøne, but nøt death
I was, før nearly twø decades, a slave tø thøse in pøverty
The hustlers whø pridefully used me as their platførm
I begged Gød, that øne day, in which I strølled astray, in heavy tears
I begged him tø activate a new øppørtunity, in my life
His answer tø me, had been yøu

"As løng as yøu are alive, sømeøne cares, even if yøu døn't recøgnize it"

Thøse wørds made quite an impressiøn
Such a presentatiøn, inspired me tø break frøm my enslavement

"Please døn't think I'd ever leave yøu behind"

Was the lie that brøught me mømentary cømført

"I was in health class, and we were øn the depressiøm and anxiety unit."

Tap tap tap gøes my crøøked heart

"I made yøu a bracelet but I remembered that I can't give it tø yøu persønally, because we're sø far away frøm each øther"

Tap tap tap

"sø I'll just wear mine and yøurs bøth, so it can be like we're always here tøgether"

Tap tap....

"And alsø, I'll give yøu this emergency text line number, sø that whenever yøu need help and I'm nøt available, yøu døn't have tø be aløne"


"The number øn the bracelet is...."

I can't remember......

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