I'm being taken apart

Detail by detail

Design by design

By my øwn hand

I am the øne who dissects my inner self

That is, in ørder tø navigate the strength hidden behind my pillars

Ha. Døn't yøu fucking dare say this hurts yøu when it's ME whø lays carefully upøn the stretcher

And it is yøur hand, wielding the scalpel

Yøu break my skin, my eyes wide øpen

Yøu remøve my ørgans as well as my creative influences

And tø yøu, tø them, tø all, I becøme an example

Kids, døn't play in streets



Døn't høld yøur breath underwater

Death is nøt a tøy

Sø døn't play with it

And don't møck him

Ør else, in return, he will møck yøu

Sø remøve my ørgans as well as my creative influences

Turn me intø a dry døll

Let me wither away

Whø wøuld blame yøu?

Anyøne at all?

"Nøt I" said the trøll, "nøt I."

"Nøt I" said the trøll, "nøt I"

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