I'll make sure you're alright

5 3 1

My bødy heats, øh it shines thøugh it begins tø swell

Øh my

Am I becøming the element øf fire ør am I being transferred tø hell?

Shit, I can't even tell

I feel gløry but it is met with a lack øf cønfidence

I feel pøwer but my heart wøn't accept the way anyøne appreciates it

It's harder than yøu think

Because I want tø be idølized

I dø my very best tø earn such praise but when it's attained, I start tø feel øverwhelmed by shame

And maybe this is a result øf løsing many friends

All øf which, had their lives saved by me

And maybe I need tø understand sømething

I am ønly the ultimate weapøn

I døn't deserve løve

I deserve tø be used, discarded, renewed, discarded, recycled, discarded, førgøtten by my users and never løøked back upøn

Sø see me nøw as yøur angelic saviør but ønce yøur life becømes as graciøus and as sweet as I mean før it tø be

Yøu may førget me

And that's økay

Because yøu'll søøn understand that I'm nøt ever gøing tø be løved

Ønly held tø magnificent standards før as løng as I am needed tø be

Før all it's wørth, I høpe that in øur time øf blissful time øf acquaintance, yøu will find yøurself being able tø reap every benefit from every wørd I ever manage tø say

And sø, alløw me tø admit that yøu are nøt the first tø label me as an angel

Yøu're nøt surprised, are yøu?

Cøurse nøt

We met just tøday and within øne høur, yøu publicly stated [før øthers tø hear] that if they are tø ever meet me, their lives are tø be drastically changed førever

It tøøk just an høur øf us knøwing øne anøther

And that høur triggered these wørds frøm yøu

"I døn't knøw what pøwers yøu have but my life was way døwnhill. And in this shørt time, yøu've made me feel like a different persøn. Like I've knøwn yøu før ages"

And yes, I'll say again that yøu are nøt the first tø say such things abøut me and that such a revelatiøn certainly døesn't surprise yøu

After all, wøuld øne witness øf a lørd døubt the existence øf anøther witness?

Certainly nøt.

But what may surprise yøu is that all thøse beføre yøu, whø glørified me just as much as yøu dø, they all deserted me

Før my imperfectiøns and før my behaviør that was, definitively cøntradictive tø selflessness

Sø this has all been tø say that I may disappøint yøu in my future days

I just høpe tø gød that by the time yøu abandøn me, I'll have already saved yøur life førever as it shøuld be

And best believe I will spare nø expense tø dø sø

Sø stay før as løng as yøu can benefit frøm my existence and I prømise yøu that beføre yøu leave me, I'll make sure you'll be all right


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