the taste

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It sits øn my tøngue, relinquishing it's øwn aftertaste

It søaks in the sun, nø sweat, nø bløød

The efførts I made will never see the light øf day

The triumph øf my disciple has caught the attentiøn øf my very øwn saviør

It sits øn my tøngue, relinquishing it's øwn aftertaste

A smile reflected upøn a scøwl

A pattern øf frøwns behind a barrier

The next few breaths I take will trigger yøu

Øh, I'm sure øf it

Løve expressed tø øne in bøld

Thøugh unscheduled, the løve was tøld

Øur makeshift flaws divided nøw

What is there tø deserve when wørth is a matter øf perspective?

And what dø I have tø deserve?

Less, I'm sure but bless thine heart før I cherish thee with an irøn cradle

Førever I have, førever I will but ever shall yøu knøw nøt øf my means

Yøur eyes are swayed by fresher waves øf aura

Mine as they've been, have grøwn stale

But yøur eyes sway

Yøur eyes sway away and tø my disciple, yøu grant such affectiøn which I følløwed før

It sits øn my tøngue, relinquishing it's øwn aftertaste

The envy, the tensiøn

But I'm nøt even tø be seen as an hønørable mentiøn

It isn't fine if I'm truthful but I shøuld let it be

After all, my pride is carried thrøugh the apprenticeship øf my løver

Sø if she is tø receive that blessing øf sincerity that I myself wørked sø hard tø attain, then I shall accept it with pride..

But I sigh

It sits øn my tøngue, relinquishing it's øwn aftertaste

Because.... maybe I want tø be treated by yøu, the way she is treated by yøu

Envy Because I sacrificed my everything in ørder tø receive such simple løve that yøu shøwed her

"And før what?" I wish tø ask

The taste øn my tøngue is thickening

Regret is sickening

Hønesty is binding

Wørth is trivial

Reactivity is neutral

My thrøat, it cløses

My vøice, it fades

And that taste is left øn me like a stain

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