run lil rebel, run

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May I request tø speak tø the life that has cønstantly bestøwed upøn me, these straining tests?

I crawl thrøugh lands øf cønflict and ønly my paws will meet the barrier

"Stealth is the greatest attribute." says a wise man whø is highly knøwn før silencing the spirits that panic at the mercy øf the afterlife, in which they reside

"But always remember tø høld øn tø the items yøu støred in yøur bag" he smirks as his wørds maintain cønfidence øf their øwn

Sø tell me, døes he speak frøm the heart ør is it the mind?

Døes he speak øn behalf øf himself ør that øf the Divine?

Døes he truly knøw what makes up the medicine he carries and delivers?

Heh. It's funny tø me

Funny that the wisest men døn't accept questiøns frøm thøse whø are løst

Thøugh he casually passes a hint that is møst cømmønly presented in an analøgical førmat

And his wørds will ønly push yøu deeper intø ignørance and curiøsity, før yøu knøw nøt what he speaks øf

And yøung øne, yøu shall nøt knøw

That is, at least, nøt until yøur støry's end

Sø før gøødness sake, dø nøt fret

Time will cleanse the mysteries øf life as we knøw

And when that smøke has finally turned tø ash, yøu'll finally understand øne thing

And that is....that yøu never left yøur starting pøst....yøu føøl

And yøu best get gøing, ør else yøur cømpetitørs will nø lønger recøgnize yøu

Run, lil rebel, run like the wind

And until next time we meet, yøu shall nøt løse yøur pace

Nøt until we meet again

tø be cøntinued

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