Feels numb

Feels cøld

It itches

It stings

It echøes

It hurts

It pinches the life øut øf my thrøat and lungs

"I need yøu!!" I scream at nø reply

I døused myself in filth, just tø get by

I'm nø øne withøut yøu

I'm half øf what I try

I'd die frøm strain if i had even enøugh strength tø strain

My bødy grew limp

It fell intø paralysis

A stiff, swøllen phase øf discømført

I plead in a whisper

I scream intø yøur lips

I shiver frøm a distance

A trigger frøm the grip

This redundant wørk has failed me

And I've becøme everything I've løst

But døn't let me influence myself tø take this very far

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