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Me: omg omg omg *continues to say omg*

Sans: um... Foxy you OK?

Me: *nods head really fast and shows sans the views*

Sans: wow

Me: I know right!!!! I can't believe how meany views I have!!! *jumps up and down*

Sans: heh congrats foxy

Me: thanks. and thank you guys for 1.04k views!!!

Sans: can you stop yelling now

Me: nope!


Me:*trying really hard not to squeal*

Sans: foxy?


Sans: *covers his ears*

Me:*looks at sans* sorry sans it's just I'm really happy

Sans: *uncovers his ears* I can see that

Me: welp I'm going to go and see if their is any thing on chapter 4 in batim and thanks again for the views bye my skelapups *runs out the room*

Sans:*sighs* will see you guys win the next chapter's out *goes after foxy to make sure she doesn't break anything*

(Discontinued) blood and dust (dust sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now