Prouloge- Or, Lets meet Bobbin Thread!

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I will be flipping between Bobbins POV, Raritys POV and No POV

Lets begin!

[No POV]

Bobbin sat in bed, Dreaming of meeting Fancy Pants, the Hottest boy in school. Bobbin was pretty, had a good figure for her size, being the smallest senior in Equestria High. She Had 4 Pictures of him on her wall. She had a boy-friend, Ponet, He was Ok, His blonde hair waved in the right places. She Glanced around the room, She had a chart o  types of stiches, four pictures of Fancy Pants, and a signed poster of Princess Twilight. Her Older sister, Cocoa Pommel, gave it to her for her birthday last year. Cocoa actually met Twilight. She was working in Manehatten when she saw her. Cocoa was a two years to the T older than Bobbin. Ponet was  a year and a half, and her Dad was away a lot, ever since their mom died  of Cancer, Cocoa and Oakre, Their Father, worked 24/7 To keep the dress-shop and their house.

Bobbin gave up on Ponet, finally, He was a very bad boy and was disowned by his whole family. Derpy and The Doctor tried hard to understand them, but when he shot Dinky and Anthymist star, His two sisters, they gave up and put him up for adoption.

She sent him a text

he said he'd be right over.

When Ponet arrived, she Ran up and kissed him square on the lips, he kissed her back.

"How do you feel?" She asked him?

"I I I got no Spark, no twinkle. sorry babe." He said Guilty-ly

"I didn't get one either."

They Hugged, and then went their separate ways, as Unlikely friends.

The next day, Bobbin woke up with a text. Nobody usually texted her that early,  so she looked at the user, Rarity♥The♥Hotty

she groaned with disgust. She wasn't a huge fan of Rarity. She looked at it.

Hello, Im Rarity. You must be either surprised of disgusted, well I assure you I feel the same. I know something about you. Your secret-

Bobbin nearly dropped the phone. she continued to read

I can keep it secret, Just give me a few things. >:)

Bobbin texted back, asking her what she Knew.

Rarity made a reply

Please Do not annoy me, as I find that a good reason to tell everyone. I hold many secrets. I wont be telling you them though, all I want is your trust. Perhaps we could be the best of friends. I will let you know when I need you.


Bobbin Looked away. Her secret wasn't embarassing, but could get her, and may other people, into a heap of trouble.

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