Chapter 7 The secrets

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"That's why I know your secrets." Rarity had finished explaining

"That doesn't make a lick of sense." Said the Blonde haired girl.

"Actually, it does." Twi said matter-o-factly.

"Well, since we know yours, You can know mine. I had an affair with Mister Discord last year."Fluttershy said. She looked embarrassed.

"My brother trusts you...... On my Grandpappy's grave, if you hurt him," Aj said with anger and guilt.

"Darling, Their over, Mr. Discord is getting married to Principal Chrysilys next year." Rarity said cooly.

"Oh" was all that was replyed.

Rainbow shared her secret: She had worked and owned the rainbow factory, but later reported it to the principal, and it was destroyed.

AJ hurt her brother on "accident" so she could applebuck all on her own, which has a total mistake.

Pinky pie made a cupcake out of one of Bon-Bon's sisters when she got extremely upset.

Twilight had a dark past; She was the reason for night mare moon, she is why the dragon came to Ponyville, every problem was because of her.

it was now bobbin's turn.

"I saw who killed my mother 8 years ago. She had a pink purple curly hair style, and her left hand was very white. She was with another, with an odd shaped thing on the back of her head. she had red hair, and her palms where yellow. The one who killed my mother had green eyes. Deep green. I have nightmares about them.

"You mean like mine?" sweetie bell said," I have green eyes"

"Holy Shiz. That's umhm, her." Bobby said nervously

"What in the hey is goin' on?" Aj said.

"Ill tell all of yall" Applebloom spoke from the corner, small dagger in her hand, twirling it threatningly.

"yes, i killed your mother, and just a few minutes ago Oakre and cocoa too." Bell looked pleased with herself.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You Bastards!" Bobbin died inside. They were all she had left. Bobbin punched Bell and Bloom both in the jaw, knocking bock back a few feet. she kicked applebloom in the shin causing her to fall. she then beat sweetie bell till she was bloody.

"Die in hell for what you did." Fluttershy spat. "You both deserved that beating from Bobbin." She actually spit on sweetie bell

"Your both no longer our sisters" Said Rarity, Aj behind her.

"Was Scoots in on it too?" RD asked.

"That Dumba*s? f@#$ no!!! The @#$%head cant even fly!" Applebloom roared with laughter. Rainbow kicked her hard in the stomach, causing her nose to bleed violently.

" @#$% all you dence MotherF#c%&*s" Sweetie bell said

Both bloom and bell pulled off their leather jackets. Bloom had almost 100 tattoos (cutiemarks) and sweetie bell has a tattoo of a heart with a knife through it.

"I got mine when i f$★k•d your spikey-wikey." Sweetie bell said

"I got mine from stealing all of granny's money, and got someone  to make em for me."

A/n Sorry about the language, people think my story is a bit Mamby Pamby, so i sassed it up. I bleeped the really bad parts, but older readers probably guessed correctly. also sorry no caps, i got lazy, but yall still get it. The affair i mentioned wasn't "that" kind of an affair. Im not 'that' dirty. but an affair. also yes the bell cutie mark story is exactally what it sounds like. Your going to love my next chapter! {i hope}

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