Chapter 4 Freedom Days' Dance or AJ's Crush

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A/N Thanks for reading my Book! I was bullied via Minecraft about it, so i fell amazed that ya'll are enjoying it! Also, I am going to update ALOT. I mean like at least once a day. Sometimes, Twice a day, Like today. In a few days, I wont be updating, but, I shall be thinking and coming up with ideas every second. VA-CA Baby! Anyway, may I present Chapter Four!



Bobbin was exited! Today was the seventh moon. Every 12 moons, the seventh was special. On The Seventh Moon, the people of Equestria high won the battle against Principal Discord. Discord was demoted for his tyrancy, and Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna became in charge. People else where call the seventh moon the Fourth of July.

Its widely known as Independence Day.

There were fireworks, it was really spectacular. It waa going to be Bobby's first Seventh moon at Equestria High. Rarity made everyone dresses. Pinky got a pretty dress and hat combo, AJ some spiffed up duds. Twilight had silver stars, Rainbow had a spectrum of colors, Fluttershy was natural, Breezy. Rarity had a fancy gown with a tiara. She even made something for Bobbin. It was Tan, like her eyes, with multiple green threads, a beautiful headband affixed with spools of thread. her high heels were flats affixed with heels that looked like needles. It was amazing, and Bobbin looked Ravishing in it.

Applejack and Bobby sat alone, having no dates. Fluttershy danced with Big Mac, Rainbow danced with Soarin' Spitfire with Fleetfoot.(He is a male in this story, and also according to hub's first episode.) Pinky and Cheese,Twilight and Flash, Rarity and Spike.

Braeburn walked up to Bobby and Aj

" Heya Cuz' Ain't this a real Nas' Dance? Ain't it purdy?"

" Darn Tootin' If ya got a date." Applejack said with a huff.

"Nao, I aint wanin to start no rumors, but I know of someone who is dying do dance with you?"

"An' Who Might that be"

"Golden Bridges. He's always talkin' bout' cha"

Aj jumped from her seat. she ran up to the light golden skinned, Golden blonde haired lad. His tattoo was of a yellow bridge. He was wearing a black tux, with a white shirt, and a metalic gold tie.

"Oha Hey Applejack, you look Smashing tonight. I uh I think that uh. You are fantastic. Uh If I say so myself." He stuttered, His Welsh accent made Applejack blush

"You Look Handsome, Thanks." AJ Kissed him on the cheek," Lets Dance"

Bobbin looked at them and smiled, feeling a tid bit sorry for herself.

"Yall look 'Smashin' an' 'Tastic' Too." Braeburn said.

" Sure Ill dance with you." Bobbin Laughed.

Finally, it was midnight. Time for the fireworks show. Luna always set it off.

"Hey Soarin' bud, How's Yuw're Dashie?" Fleetfoot said in his Lispy Jersey accent.

"Ehh Usual." Soarin was from the bronx, but tell none, he says he is from Manhatten.

"Spitfire ish pretty- What whats going on? am I missting something?" He saw Soarin look distressed.

"Look Pal, this probably not the best time. Rainbow got beat up bad last night. Spitfire's Doing. Kinda @#¥$&! at her."

"Bud listen, First don't say shuch words. Yuw'er too young. Second I know. Yuw love 'em both, butcha cant. Their Polar opposites. yuw got a dealio. I Caint help yew any more. Kapeish?"

"Cappish whatever Fleetfoot. Go pretend your in love with Fire of something while I find a way to solve my OWN peroblems."

" yew'r really Ticking me off buddy." Fleetfoot kust walked off to find Spitfire. He was really mad at Soarin.

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