~Part 1~

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Jack stood at his locker. Alone. Sad. Angry. He glanced over his shoulder and at the end of the corridor he saw her locker. It was covered in pictures of her and notes from people who hardly even knew her. He sighed and shut his locker.

He turned and saw 3 girls. One of the girls was her. Jack started to breath heavily and stared at her in shock. It can't be her. Can it? She looked at him and smiled as if nothing was wrong. People then started to block Jacks view of her. When everyone in Jack's way moved he stared at where she was, but she was gone.

Jack shook the though out of his head. He was seeing things now. That's how distraught he was.

He turned back to her locker and two girls were stood there. He didn't even know who they were and he was certain that then barley even knew her.

"She's so pretty." One of them said before turning and getting a selfie of herself and the other girl looking sad. Attention seeking. That's what they were doing and Jack hated that. Especially in these circumstances. "What was it again?" The girl that took the selfie asked her friend.

"Hashtag never forget." The other answered as they started to walked off. Before they left Jacks view though, one of them saw him and smiled at him. It was one of those smiles that desperate cheerleaders make. Jack was use to it though, he was one of the popular jocks that all the girls flaunted over. They meant nothing to him though.

The bell went off and everyone started rushing to their class. Except Jack he stood there and stared at her locker. He missed her. A lot.

"What the hell are you doing Jack?" Someone said next to him. Jack snapped out of his trance and looked at whoever spoke to him. It was Flynn Rider, one of Jack's closest friends. He looked terrible. His eyes were dark and his hair was messy and all over the place, he looked like he hadn't had any sleep in days.

"Oh, hey Flynn I was just-" he started to say before he was interrupted by Flynn.

"Looking for something?" He asked rather harsh. Jack was surprised at Flynn's behaviour. He hadn't been at school for quite a while and now that he is back, he has changed into a distant and cold person rather than his flirty, charming personality.

"What would I be looking for?" Jack asked back to his friend confused.

Flynn leaned forward slightly and whispered to him coldly "You tell me."

"What is going on with you man?" Jack asked quite annoyed that Flynn would interrupt him when he knew how much he missed her, even if he didn't fully understand their relationship.

"Guys," someone shouted from down the hall. Flynn turned and saw Mr. North there "get to class." He said and stood there while Flynn turned back to Jack.

"You're not that innocent Frost. I don't give a shit about what she says." He said harshly.

Now Jack was really confused. What who said? "Mr. Rider let's go." Mr. North hurried. Flynn then turned and started heading to his class and Jack just stood there and looked back at her locker. "You too Mr. Frost."

Communications class

People scrolled through their phone and looked at the picture the girls had taken earlier. Not many people were listening to the teacher. "So there are a number of ways to get help if you need it, or a friend if they need it."

People were showing others their phones and people would give a solemn smile. "All of the information is on my board or outside of the main office." The teacher continued.

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