Chapter Five

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“What the hell are you doing here!?” I hissed. “How did you find me? How long have I been gone for?” I asked in rapid-fire questions.

“Hey, hey. Calm down!” Sam whispered, “Everything’s alright now, your safe.” He soothed.

“Oh god, Sam!” I cried, tears once again streaming down my face, close to reaching my breaking point.

“Hey, your alright. I’m here now, nothing can hurt you.” He touched a few fingers to my scratched face and let them trace themselves along my jaw.

“Sam. . .”

“Let’s get you outta here sweetheart, ok?” He gave a small sad smile, I nodded vigorously in agreement.

“How did you find me?” I asked again as Sam go to work on the bindings on my wrists.

“It doesn’t matter now,” Sam dismissed. I frowned but decided not to push it. I mean I was being rescued.

“There!” Sam whispered triumphantly, “I got them off, here try to stand up now,” he said patiently. I tried to rise but my bones were stiff and as soon as I tried to lift my self off the cold metal chair my thigh was instantly engulfed in flames.

I let out a gasped and collapsed back into my seat.

“I can’t! “ I almost screamed. My panic rising once more.

“Ok, ok. Chloe! Just calm down, and I’ll sort this out. You just have to. Calm. Down.” Sam ordered me.

“Calm down? Calm down! You expect me to calm down after what I’ve been through?!” I shouted hysterically.

“Shush, shush. It’s alright baby girl.”

“No it’s not alright! How in fuck are so calm?!” Tears began to lurk once more.

Sam didn’t answer me but began to take the bottom edge of my pants.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked softly, my voice becoming hoarse.

“I’m trying-“ He grunted, “To rip-“ he grunted again, “off some bandages-“ there was a loud tearing sound as the fabric of my jeans weakened and allowed them-selves to be tore in two. “-For you thigh!” Sam said those last few words triumphantly.

He lifted up the long strip of my pants and began to wrap it tightly around the wound; I winced and gasped in pain.

“Sam! Stop, what are you doing? That really hurts!” I tried to stop his attempts by covering my wound with my now free hands.

“Stop! Don’t worry baby girl, it will help, I know it hurts but it help stop the infection.” Sam pleaded with me.

“How do you know?” I asked suspsiously.

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