Chapter Eight

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Clown man fully stepped into the room followed by six other masked men. Each one was dressed in head to toe in black and were wearing different masks in order to cover their faces. They followed the clown man until he stopped right in front of Sam. The other six men fanned out until they surrounded us in a circle.

"You certainly took your time getting here Sam, and I'm surprised I could knock you out so easily. I thought you were the best." Clown man drawled lazily. "Though you did somehow knock out my two best guards and a number of my workers."

Sam's body tensed and I saw his long fingers turn the pocketknife in his hand. "I was distracted." He replied tightly, both hands forming a fist, the knife sticking out oddly.

"And so ill prepared," the masked man tusked, "not even a gun handy, you call yourself a bodyguard? Your pathetic." Clown man scoffed. Sam didn't reply to the masked mans teasing but I saw his leg twitch. His left fist curled until it rested along his waistline and he took a relaxed pose. But I knew that was just a façade.

"Now, I'll be frank with you," the man continued. "You've been royally pissing me off recently, you've been fucking everywhere, never leaving this girl-" He spat and gestured towards me, "-this fucking girls' side. I just want my fucking money but her fucking father decided for this to be done the hard way," He shrugged, "so really, this wasn't even my fault at all, I just want my money. You can give me my money, right Chloe?" he said lightly but his tone was dripping venom.

"My father is a good man!" I screeched. I couldn't help but retaliate, even after all the information Sam and clown man had fed me. I was one of those people who never believed something unless it came from the horse's mouth. Sam's fingers tensed and I knew he was pissed that I had drawn attention to myself.

Well too fucking bad! No one trashed my father's name even if he was the reason I was here. It was a pride thing.

"Clarence, get this girl to shut up please," clown man said in bored with a wave of his hand; I heard harsh footsteps behind me. My eyes widened and I felt sweat along my brow start to form. Suddenly, Sam whipped around and flung something through the air straight at the man who was named Clarence.

The object whistled through the air and just as it made contact, Sam whipped out a gun from his waist and fired a shot. A loud puff of air escaped the man behind me. I couldn't see anything but I could imagine his face slack with horror and confusion. I heard some stumbling steps until a loud crash to the right side of me where the large masked man's body had collapsed. His eyes were wide and blank as they stared sightlessly up at me.

A knife was lodged in the middle of his chest and I saw a dark circle filled with blood in the center of his forehead. The blood spilled down his forehead and dripped slowly onto the ground. I gasped in horror at the gruesome sight just inches in front of me. I slowly tilted my head up and saw a blank look wash over Sam's face. His arm was still raised in the firing position, his body tense and his eyes like two cold chips.

Oh fuck I was scared. I was sacred of my best friend, well ex best friend in a way a guess. Sam had just fucking killed someone! His words finally sunk in, he really was what he said he was. I was slightly more horrified with this discovery.

Silence stumbled its way around the room like a drunken friend. You could have heard a pin drop until the slow sarcastic clapping of clown man was heard.

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