Chapter Eleven

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It was nighttime a day later when I though enough was a enough. I needed to see Sam, now! Earlier that day I had overheard dad and mum talking about the room where Sam was in. Thankfully it was only a level up and a short walk from the elevator.

I pushed off the baby blue blankets and slowly eased off the bed. My legs were a little wobbly due to the fact that I had mostly been sitting throughout my entire ordeal.

I shuffled over to the door and opened it with ease. Slowly, I peeked my head out and looked left and right to check if the coast was clear. Thankfully it was and I closed the door with a soft click! Behind me.

The hallway was eerily quiet with only dim lighting overhead. Soft beeps could be heard behind each door and the clicks of heels along the tiled floor could be heard in the distance. Signs pointed out that the elevator was to the left.

Following the signs, my feet making light slapping sounds on the floor. My thigh now only sent twitches of pain and my head was clear. I soon arrived at the elevators and discovered I was on level four. Pressing the up button of the elevator panel I waited impatiently as it took forever to open.

Once the metal doors opened I quickly entered and pressed the level five button. The doors closed with a soft ding and the lighting felt like it was trying to blind me. I had look through a small slit because the lighting was so harsh and bright.

I reached level five a few seconds later and recalled that Sam's room was 510. Looking up at the room signs I found myself turning to the right and shuffling down the empty corridor for a few minutes.

Finally I reached the cream painted door that had the numbers 510 plated on. I took a deep breath and reached for the door handle. My hand hovered uncertainly in the air until I steeled myself and forced my hand downwards. Twisting the handle, the door open with a soft twist.

I pushed the door open with both hands, slightly hiding behind the door, as I was afraid. Of what? I had no fucking clue.

I took small hesitant steps in the room. I kept my head down and let my black hair cover my expression. In between the dark curtain of my hair I saw Sam's tan face amongst his unruly blonde hair.

His head was turned and was facing the window across the room. The upper part of his body was propped against a number of fluffy pillows and his arms were crossed firmly over his chest.

He had a cream bandage wrapped securely around his head and I could see a smattering of barely there bruises and healing cuts.

I coughed slightly to get his attention and his head instantly snapped to attention. His blue eyes glittered in the dim lighting, not missing a thing.

"Chloe?" He rasped softly.

"Oh Sam! Your ok!" I whispered. My relief and happiness was almost tangible as I bolted across the room and into Sam's arms. I felt the familiar sting of tears but this time I didn't mind them. In fact I welcomed them, it meant I was alive.

"I thought you were dead, you looked dead." I said my words muted by the fabric of Sam's tee. His arms had wrapped themselves securely around me and held me close. I finally felt safe and warm wrapped in Sam's embrace.

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