Chapter Twelve

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I felt my heart shatter and colour flooded to my cheeks as I prayed that the dim lighting cover them.

"W-what are you talk about!?" I spluttered, "now listen here mister, don't you dare go around saying more lies straight to my face!" I blustered.

"I love you," I heard him breath.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I. Love. You. Chloe Moore. I fell in love with you even when I wasn't supposed to." His voice had grown husky yet his eyes stayed steady and he looked at me with a piercing stare.

"B-but how did you hear?!" I scrabbled for an explanation. Retracing my steps I grew closer and closer to him. I didn't realize until it was too late that Sam hand had caught mine and he was tugging me towards him. He entwined my fingers with his and he stroked my skin softly.

He let go of a small smile, his eyes smiling with affection. "It was the last thing I heard before I went uncouncious. You had scared me so much Chloe and you were my last thought. I had felt like a coward that I had never told you how I felt for you. And now. Chloe I'm in fucking love with you so much that it hurts." His deep blue eyes gazed a mine and held me captive in their dark blue depths.

"I love you too Sam," I whispered, my lips inches from his. I saw his eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. Feeling him lean towards me I tensed and quickly backed away.

"I'm sorry Sam," I whispered, my mouth puckering up in pain. "I just, you hurt me so much and for us to work I feel like we need to start a fresh, where there truly are no secrets between us and I feel like I trust you again. Fully. I need to trust you again Sam and to be honest with you I am wary. Just no more lies and no more secrets," I said truthfully.

I felt Sam deflate at the fact that I didn't trust him anymore. His shoulders hunched and he mumbled a quiet "oh."

"Look Sam," I sighed, this was so fucking hard. "You hurt me and you betrayed me and my trust. You need to earn it back before I consider making a huge move like getting into a relationship with you. I'm sorry and I really hope you can understand my reasoning and why I am so cautious."

"No, it's alright I understand Chloe. I really do. I just- FUCK! I really screwed this up didn't I?" He shoved his fingers through his blonde hair, causing it to stand up like he had been shocked by electricity. His blue eyes crinkled in pain as he touched his forehead. The bandaged shifted slightly in his hasty actions.

"Yea, you kinda did. But it doesn't mean that that I won't ever trust you again, it'll just take some time, ok?" I gave him a soft smile and lightly touched my fingers to his hand. I felt awkward around him, like I was meeting him for the first time again.

"Alright," He nodded, "I can handle that." He sighed and tried to grab my hand but I slipped out of it immediately and gave him a small cheeky smile.

"You know I love you right?" He repeated softly, only for my ears.

"I know you do, but we'll take things slow, alright?" I replied softly, giving him a gentle smile flashing some of my teeth.

"Take things slow, I got it." He nodded again and gave me a boyish smile in return.

We sat in silence for a few minutes before I slowly got up. 'Well I should probably get back to bed, my leg's still giving me a little trouble." I felt myself yawn as I stood up and I began to shuffle away.

"Chloe, wait!" Sam called from behind me.

"Yes?" I asked, spinning around to face him once more.

"I have something to tell you!" He replied in a cheeky whisper, a wicked smile overtaking his features. Warily I crept forward until I was inches in front of him.

"Closer," He said huskily, grabbing onto both my hands and entwining my fingers with his. I rolled my eyes but all the same I leaned closer still until Sam surged forward and connected his lips with mine.

And let me tell you this, it weirdly felt like I was home.


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