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Leo's POV:


'Derick find us somewhere to eat' I mind linked my beta as I sat staring out the window of the midnight black Range Rover.

We were on our way home after meeting with our allies Delta Woods Pack it was the second biggest pack in Oregon compared to ours.

'We could be eat at Pop's dinner Alpha' my beta linked me back.

'You don't have to call me Alpha you know?' I linked him back.

'Yea but it's professional' he replied.

'Derick when has our friendship ever been professional? We've been bestfriends since we came out the womb' I chuckled.

'We're here alp- I mean Leo' he linked.

I climbed out of the car into the drizzling cold rain, I quickly shielded myself with my umbrella.

Slowly walking into the lonely dinner soft piano music played from the old jukebox.

Looking around a elderly couple sat in the corner soft talking, another man sat at the counter sipping his coffee while I small group of teens sat at a booth all consumed by their cellular devices.

Derick and I took the booth all the way to the left side of the dinner.

"Umm, hi welcome to Pop's diner I'm Abeni I'll be you waiter tonight" she gave a beautiful shy smile.

She must have noticed me staring so she dropped her eyes down to her note pad nervously.

"I'm so sorry for my friends actions" Derick spoke up giving me a kick under the table.

I gave him a glare before looking to the menu.

"I'll have the 2x2x2, with bacon" I said looking back up at her beautiful face.

"Would you like your eggs sunny-side up or scrambled and what to drink sir." She asked writing down my order.

"Scrambled and a chocolate shake with extra whip cream and chocolate drizzle."

I recited looking her up and down.

She blushed before looking over to Derick.

"And you sir?" She gave him a smile.

"I'll have a bacon burger with fries and a root beer, please."

After writing the order down she told us she would be back with our drinks, I watched her as she disappeared to the back.

"Damn" I whispered under my breath.

"I take it that's your mate?" Derick asked giving a smirk.

"How do you know?" I gave him a confused look.

"When you were staring at her your eyes turned black." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and watched as she came back with our drinks.

"Here you two are!" She smiled.

"Your food will be out in a second." She then left to go clean the booth where the teens had once sat.

I took this time to admire her.

She wore a pink poodle skirt along with a white blouse and some white flats which I was guessing was her uniform, he natural hair sat in a messy bun at the top of her head with a white turban headband, silver hoops hung from her ears, her dark chocolate complexion set the whole outfit off, her lips sat puffed out and her cheeks jiggled with every movement she made, her dark brown eyes peered up as the cook dinged the bell.

She collected all the dishes setting them softy in her bin and went to collect our food from the counter.

"Here you two are I hope you enjoy." She then disappeared to the back again.

"Can't keep your eyes off her...why haven't you claimed her yet?" He asked curiously.

"She's not a wolf, she doesn't particularly have a strong smell." I thought about what she could be but after a while gave up and began to eat.

After finishing she bought us our recipe and we left.

'Leo we've been driving in circles for the past 20 minuets what are you doing?' Derick mind linked me.

'You really think I'm leaving her here' I shot back.

'So your practically going to kidnap her!?' He questioned.

I blocked him as I watched her exit the empty dark diner locking the door behind her.

She popped open her umbrella and began walking down the dim lit side walk.

I told my driver to follow her.

After about 5 minuets of walking she passed a bar, her body tensed and she sped up her strides as if she was avoiding something or someone.

She was then yanked into the dark alley on the side of the building.

I quickly jumped out of the moving vehicle changing running towards the alley.

I could hear her pleading with the man who sounded drunk as I walked around the corner he rested on top of her limp body.

At that moment rage took over my whole body as 'Adonis' my wolf took over.

As he torn the man to pieces enjoying his cries, he had noticed she was now gone.

Picking up her scent he quickly chased after her into the woods.

He never liked when things ran from him and he would never learn to like it.

This is what he lived for, a chase as she jumped the fallen limb he took the chance to sink his teeth into her side slamming her into a near by tree.

Not until her scent filled his noes fully he had noticed he had caused pain to 'Our' mate.

*end of flashback*

Hi guys I hoped you all enjoyed that chapter leave your thoughts in the comments.



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