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Leo had now apologized to me for the 100th time this morning.

"Leo look I'm ok I'm just fine" I said pulling up my shirt showing him that my wound was now healed.

"Also thanks for saving me" I threw him a cute smile.

"LE-LE!!!" I heard a little girl scream.

"Yes Ada" she looked around 4 or 5 as a smile lit up on to her little chocolate cheeks, her curls bounced with every step she took she wore tutu with a tiara on top of her head.

"Look I'm a princess!!!" She giggled running up to him.

He quickly scooped her up and began to lay wet kisses on her blushing cheeks.

I watched in awe at the scene unfolding in front of me.

"Le-le I wanna stay with you!" She pouted.

"I know but you know I'm busy and I want you to have fun with the other kids" he spoke softly.

"But....they bully me." She spoke as a whisper before crying.

"Ada I want you to meet someone, she's just like you." he told her picking her chin up and wiping the tears that had streamed down her cheeks.

He pointed to me and a gave her a bright smile.

"WOW!!" She exclaimed before crawling out of his arms and running up to me.

"I'm Ada what's your name?" She spoke tilting her head at this time I noticed her little fox ears that were hidden in her curls.

"Abeni, you wanna see something?" I asked her crouching to her height.

She nodded quickly and I began to remove my hair from its high messy bun to reveal my fox ears.

"OMG!!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME!!!" She jumped up and down causing me to smile she wrapped her small arms around my neck hugging me.

"I'm happy to have someone like me." She spoke breaking my heart.

"ADA!!! You know you shouldn't be in here." A woman called.

"I'm sorry Miss Emily but I just wanted to see alpha."

"I'm so sorry Alpha for the way she has acted in your presence." A slim bodied, blonde hair, hazel eyed woman walked in, she couldn't have been a day over 21.

She looked at me in disgust before yanking Ada away from me.

"Alpha who is our guest, you know we can't help every homeless person out there." She question looking me up and down.

"Emily" he spoke firmly.

She walked over to him touching his arm "Yes Alpha?" I could have dragged her right by her blonde extensions but I decided to behave.

"This here is not a guest but your soon to be Luna" he answered her removing her hand.

She looked at him in shock then looked at me "But...Leo I'm supposed to be your Luna" she pouted.

"Get this straight Emily just because I dated you once doesn't mean you're going to be Luna." he said through a clenched jaw.

"We'll see about that" she said turning and yanking Ada out the door with her.


Leo had left to do Alpha duties which left me here in his house alone.

I wondered down the hall way taking a peek into each room.

I was now down to the last door as I slowly opened it I could feel the warmth of the sun rays hit me.

As I looked around I noticed it was a mini library, I stared in awe before looking through the book shelves.

Coming up on one book I had been wanting to read I slowly lifted it off of the book shelf.

"Kindred" by Octavia E. Butler, turning to the window seat I sat staring out at the beautiful scenery.

After getting comfortable I became engulfed into the book.


Leo's POV:

"Abeni!" I had been calling her name for the past five minutes igniting panic into my stomach.

I rushed through the house looking in every room before I came to the library.

As I opened the door there she slept sprawled out on the window seat I picked up the book that she had been reading and put in to the side.

I slowly scooped her up sending a tingling feeling over my body.

I carried her up the stairs into 'our' room.

"Leo?" She asked softly stirring in my arms.

"Yes" I laid a soft kiss on her head before putting her in the bed.

"Ada won't stop talking about you she keeps running my ear off about how she wants to hang out with you" I chuckled softly.

She sat up rubbing her sleepy eyes as I played with her curls.

"Can she come over tomorrow?" She asked shyly.

"Of course" I spoke lifting her chin up.

"Thanks" she blushed.

"How about we all go shopping you need some new clothes and you two can spend the whole day having fun?" I asked giving her a smirk.

"That would be awesome" she jumped up and down like a 5 year old.

I went into the closet and brought out her something to wear to bed.

"Abeni here sweetheart." She sat up and began getting undressed.

"Turn around" I only pouted.

"But-" I began to protest.

"Leo turn around" she giggled.

"Fine" I sighed.

"I'm done" I turned around and took in her body.

"Wow, you're fucking gorgeous!" I spoke running my eyes over every curve of her body.

"Umm thanks" I had caused her to blush even more.

"Come on lay down" I lightly pushed her back and covered her up.

"Where are you going?" She questioned.

"I'm a respectful alpha I want you to have your privacy until you're ready for me to join you in bed" I spoke laying a light kiss on her head.

"Oh" she pouted.

"Sweet dreams" I wished her as I left out of the room.

I hope you all enjoyed.

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