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"Abeni I'm not gonna tell you again, come here." Leo told me sternly.

Walking towards him I stood in front of him in my robe.

"Good girl, now sit on my lap. " he ordered.

"But-" I began.

"No buts sit." he smirked pointing at his lap.

"Luna..." looking to the stairs Ada stood in one of Leo's tee shirts that I fixed so it would fit her.

"Yes, honey." I answered eyeing Leo who sighed in frustration.

"I can't sleep" she sighed.

"I'll be back to deal with you" I told Leo before leading her back upstairs.

Putting her under the cover I began to sing Promises by Jhené Aiko.

Rubbing her ears softly.

By the time I was finished she was sound asleep placing another kiss I went back downstairs.

"Now where were we?" I said sitting in Leo's lap, which seemed to shock him.

"What?" I questioned rubbing his chest.

Shaking his head he grabbed my back side causing me to gasp taking his chance he dipped his tongue into my mouth.

Moaning as I gridded against this hunk of meat.

"Abeni you're not ready" He spoke softly.

Pouting I gave him puppy dog eyes.

"I can see that your in heat but no baby" he chuckled.

Kissing me again he picked me up bringing me to the room laying me in the bed.

"You two get some sleep, I love you" kissing my lips he headed out the room.

"No Leo stay....please" turning he crawled onto the other side of the bed Ada in between us.

Closing my eyes I dosed off into my dreams.


Waking up before the both of them I decided that I would serve them both breakfast in bed.

Looking in the fridge I pulled out eggs, bacon, grits, and biscuits.

Turning the stove on I buttered up the pans for the eggs and bacon.

Turning on some music I opened all the windows to let the natural sunlight and breeze flow through the house.

Finishing up breakfast I took it upstairs balancing the tray in my hand I opened the door, walking towards the bed stop and watched my two babies.

Leo was holding Ada as her head laid on his chest they both slept quietly besides Ada's small whines.

Opening the blinds and the window, I turned to see Leo watching me with a smile on his face.

"Good morning beautiful...." he spoke softly shifting Ada's body onto the pillow and sitting up.

She softly whined, Leo rubbed her back softly.

"Good morning to you." I smiled bringing him the tray.

"I wanna talk to you Abeni." he said softly patting the side of the bed.

"Yes?" I asked sitting down.

"Your crowning ceremony is soon to come it's actually next weekend and I wanted you and my mother to go shopping for you something to wear." He told me eating his breakfast.

"Ok." I said standing up.

"My family will slowly be flocking it including my siblings, I'm sure they will all love you." He beamed.

Walking into the closet I picked me and Ada out a outfit for the day.

"I'm gonna take Ada to the park today and to some stores and when we get back I need to talk to you" I yelled out of the closet.

"Alright, if I'm not here when you get back I'll be at the pack house in my office." He said getting up and coming into the closet.

"And don't get into any trouble like yesterday I will be sure to punish you for real this time." He lowly growled.

"Yes Alpha." I let out before he left.


Sitting in the grass on a blanket I looked up from my book to see Ada getting along with the other kids.

"Hi" A woman who was about my age walked through the grass with a stroller.

"Hey" I spoke questionably, laying my book down in the grass I watched her.

"I'm new in town and I seen you looked about my age, also I need new friends" she laughed lightly.

"Oh, well I'm Abeni and you must be a wolf? I'm guessing I can smell you." I smiled.

"Yea, long story" she said sitting down.

"Well I have time" I gingerly spoke.


Within the hour of talking I found out her name was June, her mate had rejected her and kicked her out of the pack, thinking she would never find someone to love her she opted for a sperm donor that would fill the void.

"How old is she?" I asked watching her rock the sleeping child back and forth.

"She's 3 months now" she smiled watching her baby girl.

"Well since you need a pack I can offer you a spot in my mates pack...." I told her smiling.

"I am very grateful, I don't want to bother the pack with me having a infant and all." She
sighed softly.

"Look it's no problem" I said sitting up.

"Well...I do want her to have a permitted home to grow up in." She smiled.

"So that's a yes?" I asked curiously.


Thank y'all for being patient with me for this past month.

Hope y'all enjoy


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