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Abeni's POV:

I had just finished washing my hair before reaching for my towel.

"I know you freaking lying!" I had noticed I had left it in the room on the bed.

I mentality sighed before stepping out of the shower feeling the cold air brush over my sensitive body.

I cracked the door open checking to see if anyone was in the room.

Seeing that the coast was clear I quickly ran to grab my towel, I wrapped it tightly around my wet skin.

Hearing someone clear their throat I turned around to see a smirking Leo.

"Ummm...Hi" I spoke shyly pulling the towel closer around my body while looking everywhere else besides his face.

"I laid some clothes out in the closet for you I promise you I didn't see anything." He said walking closer.

He slowly picked my chin up before kissing my head.

"Go get dressed so we can go and pick up Ada." I nodded before walking into the closet to see the outfit he had laid out.

I looked at myself in the mirror before putting my hair into a slick low bun and adding the accessories.

"Damn" I turned around to see Leo in the door way his word causing me to blush.

"You're so beauty, what did I do to get so lucky" he put his hands up to praise to the lord.

"I'm ready" I giggled.

"Oh I have a surprise for you" he told me grabbing my hand and leading me down stairs.

"Ada!!" He called.

I heard her little foot steps come running from the kitchen before she appeared wearing the same exact outfit, her hair a wild mess which was adorable.

"I wanted both my favorite girls to match" As Ada stared in awe.

"I want my hair like yours" She spoke pouting as her ears laid down.

"Come on so I can do it and I can show you a trick to hide your ears."

She quickly ran to me, I picked her up taking her upstairs.

"Ok now focus on using your human ears, close your eyes and imagine how you look without your ears." I spoke softly.

Her ears slowly began to lay down so they couldn't be seen as she focused I began to work on taming her wild curls.

"Ok you can open your eyes now" I told her.

She slowly popped her eyelids open as she stared at her hair in the mirror.

"Wow this is awesome my ears are gone" she smiled running her little fingers across her hair.

'You guys ready?' Leo mind linked.

'Yea we're on our way down' I linked back.

I quickly sprayed Ada and myself with perfume, before leading her downstairs where Leo waited at the door.

*in the car*

"The pack is having a dinner and I would like to announce you as my mate tonight." He asked nervously staring at the road.

"I would love to join you and your pack." I smiled easing his nervousness.

"Great I'll make sure my mother knows to cook extra." He chuckled.

The car was silent besides Ada watching Paw Patrol in the back but I could hear her small snores.

*At the mall*

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