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"Where's Percy at?" Kendra walked in followed by her brother.

I frowned. "She said she was going to be outside..."

She said she was going to pray. But she didn't say to who.

Although Poseidon is the logical choice.

And she did say that she might spend the night there.

"Actually I think she went and took a nap in the car."

"That's dangerous. I want to try."

"Seth...stick to climbing hills and taking care of the goats."

I wonder, do they know about the creatures that live here?

If they do they are pretty good actors.

But, my parents don't know that I can actually see them. So I can't exactly ask about that.

Speaking of my parents they walked into the room.

"The air mattress is in the attic. Where is Percy?"

"Taking a nap."

Okay...I really should call Poseidon.

If there are fairies and satyrs and a golem here in the yard...

And yes I know about him.

Forgetting a golem is hard by any stretch.

And when I found out I wasn't crazy, that just cemented those memories further.

But anyway...what are out in those woods?

"Do you mind if I make a phone call?"

"Go ahead. You are our daughter. Make yourself at home." Mom smiled at me. "But you'll need to use the landline, we don't get cell service out here."

"I think I'll try my phone first. More likely to get an answer."

I walked into the guest room, where Paul was, surprise surprise, asleep.

I chuckled before kissing him lightly.

"Sally?" He groaned sitting up slightly. "What time is it?"

"Around five. I'm going to call Poseidon. I don't know where Percy is...and I'm worried."

My husband sat up. "She can take care of herself. She wouldn't have survived this long if she couldn't."

"That's not what I mean. I just feel like there's something off. Something that I should know..."

Paul hugged me tightly. "Call him. I love Percy too. But...I think all of this is starting to take a toll on her."

"What do you mean?"

"Just something she said. Now I'm going to go see if your mom needs help with dinner."

Sighing I moved to my bag and pulled out a drachma and a crystal.

"O Iris goddess of the rainbow please accept my offering. Show me Poseidon...um in his castle?"

I have no idea where he'd even be.

But my guess appeared to be right. Considering the fact the rainbow changed to show him.


He looked up at me, surprised by the message.

"Hello Sally. Did you need anything?"

"Do you know where Percy is?"

He hesitated before sighing. "Iris please zoom out."

The image quickly changed to where I could now see Percy laying across her father's lap.

"She asked if she could spend the night here. I figured I should have told you but..."

"It's fine. I just wanted to see if you knew where she was."

He nodded.

Percy shifted, rolling over in her sleep.

And almost falling off the bed...which she would have done if they weren't underwater.

But the look on her face...

"Poseidon, what's going on?"

He looked away from me. "If I tell you...Percy would never forgive me. I'm sorry Sally, but I can't have that happen. Her opinion of me is already low enough..."

Then he cut through the message.


I reached over and pulled Percy back onto my lap.

"Thanks Dad." She mumbled rolling so she could look up at me.

Well. Now I'm really glad I didn't tell Sally.

"What did I tell you?"

"To get some sleep. Which I did."

She sat up, yawning as she did so.

"Doesn't seem like you did."

"Well I did."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come on! I was asleep!"

Sighing I shook my head. "My child, listen to me. You need more sleep than what you got. You've already passed out from sleep deprivation once. I do not want that to happen again. Especially if it happens in a dangerous situation."

"You don't get it." She chuckled. "If you understood it. Then you would know why I don't get much sleep. But, guess that's too much to ask."

"Percy, what do you mean?"

"Every time I fall asleep, I run the risk of seeing it again. All of it. After a few times...it starts wearing on you. After a week, it starts tearing you down. So tell me to get some more sleep, see what happens."

If I were another god, I'd get mad and probably kill her.

But, I feel like this is justified. She's watched the people she loved die in front of her.

All because she was my child.

And seeing it over and over again, with her flaw...

It's a miracle that she hasn't actually tried to kill herself.

But nightmares or not, she still needs to sleep.

I pulled her close to me before laying down on the bed.


"Hush my child. Sleep. I'm staying right here with you."

And if you thought I gave her any choice you are an idiot.

She'd just feign being asleep.

So I slowly used the connection between us to calm her until her exhaustion pulled her under the waves of sleep.

I gently rubbed her back, trying to do what I could to keep her from having nightmares.

Besides that the real issue is going to be getting her back unnoticed in the morning.


Do you guys know how disorienting Ohio is when there's fog and you have glasses?

I feel like my glasses are dirty or something.

And anyway...our trip to Pittsburgh is on Wednesday.

We won't get home till like midnight...

Pretty sure I have a test the next day for the class we're going on the trip for...


This was rushed and is probably crappy cause I probably won't update AoC this week cause of the trip


See yah

(Fem.) Percy meets FablehavenWhere stories live. Discover now