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I sighed, sitting at the edge of the pool.

Dad said he'd take care of an explanation.

But, who knows if it will work.

I don't know if clear-sightedness is genetic or not.

Which I mean is possible.

Having six fingers is dominant but not a lot of people...get out of here biology class!

Where were you when I had to take that genetics quiz?!

But if it is...whatever Dad does might not work.

"Percy...are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Mom sat beside me.

"Nothing's wrong Mom. I'm just tired."

That isn't a lie.

It's just not the whole truth.

I'm tired...of all of this.

And sorry that I'm dumping all of this like within the first few days but...if you know now...

Then maybe you'll understand anything I might do.


"Yes honey?"

I opened my mouth and then I shut it.

No. Just let her keep believing I'm happy.

It would be best for her.

"I feel like Kendra isn't... normal."

"What do you mean?"

"Just a feeling." I tilted my head towards a few fairies.

She nodded.

"Well, how about we get some breakfast in you?"

I nodded and the two of us entered the kitchen where there was a pile of pancakes...

And a separate pile of blue pancakes.

"Mom, have I ever told you how much I love you?"

She chuckled and handed me the plate. "Only every time you see me. Now eat up."

I grabbed the syrup and poured it on the miracle food.

"You're going to drown them." Seth said.

I froze.

And then I slowly sat the syrup down.

And then I scarfed the pancakes down before standing.

"I'm going outside." I mumbled.

Why do the Fates hate me this much?

As I sat back down by the pool, I heard footsteps run after me.

"Hey Percy, are you okay?" Kendra asked.

"Yeah. I'm good."

"Look at Kendra. She's trying to comfort the new girl."

"She's obviously just trying to show us up. Why else would she do that?"

Kendra let out a small sigh.

Wait...can she understand them?

"The butterflies are pretty."

I mean there are some with butterfly wings.



Logical choice.

"Yeah. They are."

(Fem.) Percy meets FablehavenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ