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I closed my eyes and tried to shift in Dad's grip.

"Percy." He warned.

"I'm just trying to get comfortable." I mumbled, turning so I could see more of the room. "Can I finish my puzzle?"

"No. Not unless you feel like telling your mother."

I groaned and crossed my arms. I really should have seen this coming. I should have told Apollo not to tell him. I mean, if I promised I would never try again I'm pretty sure legally he wouldn't be able to tell my parents. Though the gods don't exactly do legal so that probably wouldn't have done much either way.

"Don't act like that. I'm worried about you and I said I wouldn't tell your mom if you let me hold you and let me pretend we were a normal family."

"You kinda ruined that when you knocked my mom up you know. If I hadn't been born than you could have had a normal godly family instead of having a daughter trapped with a foot in each world."

"You had the option to become a goddess."

"Oh wow, I never knew. You really think I'd want to leave everyone I love behind? Watch them age and die while I stay the same?"

"You ended up watching some of them die anyway."

I narrowed my eyes and pulled away from him. I started working on my puzzle again, ignoring Dad as he tried to apologize.

He already said it and he can't take it back. I'm not letting him.

He can't act like he cares about me and then say something like that. He can't say something like that and then expect to take it back. That's not how this works.

I turned a piece over in my fingers, staring at the incomplete picture in front of me. I snapped it into place, still staring at the picture. I didn't move for a while.

"Percy?" Dad put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't acknowledge him, stare unwavering. I wasn't seeing the picture anymore. I was just...existing.

My chest barely moved as I breathed and my hands rested on the coffee table.

"Percy, answer me."

His answer? Me putting my head down. My eyes were still open and I sighed.

I stood up without warning. "I want to go back to my grandparents."

"Please let me talk to you."

"What's there to talk about?" I didn't look at him. I messed with Riptide. "I want to check on Nico and make sure he's okay. You know, so I don't have to watch him die."

"I didn't mean to say that."

"But you did." I growled. "You know I want them to be alive, you know what I did to try to save them and you said that."

"Is it my fault that I wish you would have said yes? Even before this I wanted to know I wouldn't lose you, and knowing what I know now it makes me hate that you didn't choose immortality. I have to worry about you and I hate that."

"Well I'm sorry for being such a worry."

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Do I, Dad? Because you're a god and as far as I know you guys only do stuff that benefits you in some way shape or form. That's why your brother hasn't killed me yet. I'm useful to Olympus. There's some reason you want me around. I don't know it and I'm not sure that I want to."


I stared at Percy as she stood there, body shaking.

"Not all gods are the same Percy."

"You're immortal, you have kids and leave them to die, they suffer the consequences for your actions. You sound just like every other god that has children at the camps."

I swallowed. She's not wrong. She's suffered so much because of me, because of what I've done.

But that doesn't mean I'm like my brother. Zeus doesn't care for his children. I care for her.

If I would have known everything she went through would have caused her to feel this way, I would have hidden her away in my palace, away from everything that would try to hurt her.

I sighed. "Come on, I'll take you back to the sanctuary. And don't worry, I'm not going to tell your mother."

I rested my hand on her shoulder and we appeared in the backyard.

Paul was sitting on pool chair, reading. "Your mom's in the house."

"Thanks Paul!" Percy ran across the pool and into the house.

Paul closed his book and sat it on a table. "What did you do?"

"That obvious?" I asked.


I sat on a neighboring chair. "I said something I really regret saying and she is not the happiest camper because of it. I mean it's true, but I shouldn't have said it."

"It was something about the Seven, wasn't it?"

"How'd you guess?"

Paul shrugged. "That's one of the few things that gets her really upset. Actually that's like the only thing that will get her visibly upset, except talking about...you know."

I hated that I knew. I hated that was something we both had to know that she feels like that.

I lowered my head. "I had Apollo come talk to her, ask her some questions you know? One of the questions was if she tried to kill herself."

"What'd she say?"

"She said no."

"Oh, so-

"She lied."

This *dances* was *dances* crap

I can't feel my left hand, probably from how I'm laying but this is the third chapter typed today


See yah

(Fem.) Percy meets FablehavenWhere stories live. Discover now