Chapter 1

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"The diploma you held in your hands that day where everyone wasn't known by their clique or who they sat by at lunch is just your learner's permit for the rest of the drive through life. Remember, you don't have to be that expensive Porsche or Lamborghini you were in high school its okay to be your grandma's old 78' Impalla".

High school was over. It isn't as easy now that everyone has went their own ways. Finnick and Annie are attending Panem Community College in the fall. Clove and Cato are waiting for little Jacob to join the world. Madge and Gale are still dating nothing much has changed between them two. Johanna moved out of state to follow her dream as a vegan clothing designer, and Thresh and Fox also moved away sadly but they bought a house together in Texas where they now grow fields and fields of yummy nightlock berries. Marvel proposed to Glimmer and she said yes of course!  As for Peeta and I after graduation Peeta convinced me to move in with him, I said yes. We now live in a small house on the beach 30 minutes away from Panem and where i used to live. But as of right now I'm holding my acceptance letter from Ohio State University, 2,260 miles from where I live, where we live. My finger nail slowly slices open the envelope and I pull out the white paper. I skip to the line that counts.

....Dear Ms. Everdeen I would like to congratulate you on your acceptance to to Ohio State University. Your academic requirements exceeded the standards and we would love to have you enrolled for this fall. Until then have a nice summer.

                                                                     Signed by Dean Snow

My jaw drops in shock. I can't tell I feel ecstatic or dejected. What do I tell Peeta? Would he be happy for me or feel the same? I shove the letter back into the envelope. With a stressful sigh I grab a chair  and drag it in front of the fridge where I hide the letter in a vase given to me by Prim in the cabinets above. I hear the door open.

"Katniss I'm home" Peeta says coming into the kitchen. His face lightens up when he sees me. 

"Hi" I say very unenthusiastic. I quickly put the chair back before he questions me.

"Kat whats wrong?" he spins me back around to face him

"Nothing Im fine" I give him a slight fake smile. With that I get out lettuce and other salad fixings to make us lunch. It almost sounds eerie with the dead silence and the loud thump of the knife hitting the wood chopping board. Peeta coughs maybe to get my attention, but it sounds like a cough that you let out before you bring up something not needed at the moment. I continue to chop.

"So did you get your letter yet?" he says breaking the silence.

"Uhm no not yet" I lie putting everything into a white ceramic bowl. 

"Oh-okay" he awkwardly says.

"So how was your day" I change the subject sitting down across from him at the table.

"It was good the bakery has had a lot of costumers lately so I hired some new people"

"That's great Peeta"

"I was talking with Gale his dad was going to sell the cabin and he decided to buy it. The whole group was going to have a party there tonight, well minus Johanna, Fox, and Thresh they can't make it. Did you wanna go?" Peeta asks

"Yeah I would love to see everyone again, you know as a group" I smile.

"I knew you would"He smiles back getting up to kiss me.


I pull on a dark blue sleeveless form fitting dress that ends mid thigh with silver flats. My makeup is natural and my hair is down in natural curls. Peeta walks in and his jaw drops and of course I blush and walk away.

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