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"Ugh CASHMERE! My coffee spilt!" I half yell in our dorm. Coffee stains my rug and some of my homework.

"How about we skip the homework for now and go to starbucks?" She says.

"Let's go" I say already with my keys and purse. We both exit into the crowded hallway to the front doors.

"It's getting really cold" she says shivering.

"Yeah, I hope it snows". We get into the car and drive to starbucks.

"So what does your family do for Christmas" Cashmere asks fixing her lipgloss in the mirror.

"Have a huge dinner watch Elf on replay open presents at midnight the usual. How about you?"

"Usually the same except for when my cousins join us we have a huge present hide and go seek game that goes on" she smiles through the mirror.

"OoOO what's that" I ask.

"It's really fun it's like a normal game of hide and go seek but each person has a present that belongs to someone else and you have to find the person that has your gift, it probably sounds childish if you haven't played it".

"That actually sounds really fun" I say as we pull into the parking lot of starbucks. We both get out of the warm car and walk into Starbucks. Once again the aroma of pastries and fresh coffee fills my nose.

"Omg! The PSL is BACK!" Cashmere pipes up. We're first in line so we don't have to wait.

"Welcome to Starbucks what would you lovely ladies like to order" the cashier guys says.

"I'll have a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte please" Cashmere says.

"And I'll have a Grande Gingerbread Mocha please" I say.

"Okay your total today is $6.32" I hand the guy the exact change.

"Okay your drinks will be done right away" he says. We both walk over to the waiting table.

"Your shoes untied" Cashmere points out. I kneel down and start tying my shoe. I get up quickly bumping into someone.

"Sorr- Lucas?" I say noticing it's him.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to bump into you again" I say quickly.

"No it's fine" he smiles.

"I was actually wanting to see you again" he says.

"Oh really" I question with a small smile.

"I have been meaning to ask if you wanted to grab a bite sometime" he says. I see Cashmere smirking in the corner.

"How about tonight?" I say.

"Tonight's great. See you at 7" he questions.

"See you at 7" I confirm. He walks out of Starbucks with a smile and a wave. I turn back to the waiting table where my drink is.

"What was that all about" Cashmere playfully smacks my shoulder.

"What was what about?" I question.

"That guy Lucas you like him don't you!" She claps.

"No I'm just being friendly I'm not looking to be in a relationship anytime soon" I say shaking my head lowly.

"Anyways we need to get you home it's already 5:45!" Cashmere half yells looking at her phone. We both walk back into the cold and then into my car where we drive off to the dorms. We get out of the car and once again make our way through the crowded hallway to our dorm.

Is this the End of our Beginning? (Finding You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now