Chapter 2

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I wake up to a strange feeling of my hair being stroked. My eyes slowly start to awake and I find myself next to Peeta, in our bedroom?

"Morning Katniss" Peeta says with a kiss. I kiss him back.

"Morning Peeta" I giggle.

"When did we get back last night" I question.

"You fell asleep after we came back inside and I carried you to the car and we drove home" he smiles.

"Oh okay well thank you" I blush, he kisses my neck softly.

"I was thinking about having a day with Prim today" I say and Peeta frowns.

"Okay I thought we could do something together" he pouts.

"Sorry Peeta but I promised Prim i would hangout with her as much as i could before she goes back to school and other things" I drag the sentence quietly.

"Okay well have fun I guess I could go take a shift at the bakery today but be back for dinner around 7 okay" he says.

"I promise" I say. I peal the blanket off of me and get out from the warmth of my bed, I go take a shower. 30 minutes later I'm out and I leave my hair to dry on its own and a little apply mascara and lip balm.

"Crap" I say aloud. I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom. I crack the door slightly open and run to my dresser with a towel still around me.

"Hey I was th-" Peeta comes in and stops.

"I'm sorry" he turns bright red and slowly turns around facing the door way.

"What I was going to say is I was thinking we could have lamb stew for dinner with dried plums" he says.

"Okay" is all I say and return to the bathroom. I put on a white tee shirt and high waisted denim shorts with white converse. I get out of the bathroom grab my phone, and keys and then walk downstairs to say goodbye to Peeta.

"Peeta I'm leaving. Love you" I say.

"Love you too be careful and don't forget 7 o'clock" he says and kisses me once on the nose and then on the lips. I leave to go pick up prim. I get to my old house and walk right in.

"KATNISSSSSS!!!" Prim yells running down the stairs. She jumps up wrapping her legs around my waist and I spin her around. 

"I missed you" she says. I haven't seen her since graduation and I feel bad since I live pretty close.

"I missed you too" I say setting her down.

"Katniss mom and dad bought me a rescue kitten for my middle school graduation. Do you wanna meet him?" she says jumping up and down.

"Sure" I say and we both run upstairs. We enter her room and there sits the ugliest orange kitten I have ever seen. His nose is smashed in and he has a half of his ear missing with eyes the color of rotten squash. I smile so Prim doesn't see my disgusted face.

"His name is buttercup he may not be a beauty but I love him" she smiles. Like the flower? This family has issues.

"Aww can I hold him" I say and she nods. I get close to buttercup and he starts hissing at me.

"Never mind" I say and Prim giggles.

"Are you ready" I ask and we exit her room and we walk past mine and I take a quick peek.

"Wow mom and Plutarch seriously didn't even pick up the gum wrapper off my floor" I laugh.

"Yeah they miss you but again their always at work and I'm here anyways let's get going" she says and I follow her. We get into my car and drive to the mall. When we get to the mall Prim is the first one to hop out of the car.

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