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Guys before I get onto what I wanna say I do wanna add that I'm working on another chapter coming out MAYBE tomorrow. Okay let's get on explaining some things.
For starters Katniss was going home for only 2 days for Thanksgiving break and then going for Christmas/winter break where they get a whole week off.

Second I don't think I explained this clearly. Peeta and Lucas are cousins. They only see each other once or twice a year for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Peeta has no clue that Katniss and Lucas know each other and he's not super close with Lucas so it's not like they call or text. 

Third I failed to address this but Katniss got a new number meaning she doesn't get calls from him anymore, But she gave her friends the new number and they promised not to tell him (not written in story).

Fourth. Katniss and Lucas are just friends. They actually have alot in common and are getting to be good friends but just friends they already confirmed it between the both of them. He knows about everything that happened in the first book Finding you. At first Lucas had a small crush on Katniss leading him to ask her on a date and after what she gushed out after that date he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to go further.

Haha still got some more to explain. Cashmere Gloss and Beetee were Peeta's friends when he was finishing his junior year I recall. Well they didn't realize Katniss was Katniss until she told them about Peeta. They also lost touch with him and Peeta doesn't know Lucas Katniss and the others go to school together. But all 3 of them plus Lucas are Katniss's current friends

This may be the last explanation. Katniss's group of friends are at home getting things ready for Glimmer and Marvels wedding that will take place the last day Katniss is in town. Most of the group is angry at Katniss for leaving Peeta and making a big deal about leaving for college (thats another explanation, Katniss was overwhelmed with alot of things making leaving a little more dramatized). Glimmer on the other hand is alittle uneasy about everything she feels like shes not ready to get married because of everything thats happening.

Small side notes. Katniss missed the enrollment date making her have to leave earlier.

if theres anything not clear to you in my book please feel free to comment  and ill try my best to fix/explain it :)

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