To Call or not to Call

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Phone in one hand acceptance letter in the other. I pace the room back and forth like a crazy woman. If I call what will I tell Peeta? I can't tell him, but I can't just leave. I start to dial the number. It rings

Dean: Hello Dean of Ohio State University how may I assist you?

Me: Hello I'm Katniss Everdeen I got an acceptance letter to Ohio State I wanted to enroll for the fall and spring semester.

Dean: Ah yes Ms. Everdeen we have been awaiting your call. We would love to have you join us this year but since this is late notice we would have to take you earlier than the assigned date.

Me: How early

Dean: let's see let's see. Since there is summer courses starting tomorrow to help you prepare you for fall we would have to take you in a couple of hours or else you would have to wait till next year, and who knows if we will still accept you then.

Me: Uhm C-Can you enroll me for the summer courses and the fall semester please?

Dean: Ms. Everdeen I would like to congratulate you on your enrollment we have reserved your plane ticket. Your leaving at 5:00pm today.

Me: T-Thank you.

Dean: We're excited to have you this year Ms. Everdeen. Have a great day.

I slump onto the ground and dial Madge.

Madge: Hey Katniss! What's up?

Me: I'm leaving in a couple of hours.

I cry through the phone.


Me: I'm leaving for college. If I didnt take the offer I wouldn't have had a chance next year.

Madge: Katniss but it's so sudden the group and I have to atleast say goodbye.

Me: Madge I really don't want to face everyone right now can you just come over.

Madge: I'm on my way

She hangs up and I start clearing my things. About 15 minutes later I hear the door open and heels clicking up the stairs

"What do you think your doing? Wheres Peeta?" she asks.

"I'm taking all my things back to my old house and um he's at the bakery don't worry".

"Why are you moving everything out?" she questions.

"Because! Are you going to help or not?" I cry again.

I pack everything into cardboard boxes until there isn't a trace of me left. Madge helps me haul my things into my car. She stays silent but a couple tears fall here and there. She knows what's happening even though I try not to admit it to myself.

We get to my parents house and I run up to the door and knock on it. My mom answers with Prim behind her.

"Mom" I began to cry. She hugs me with a concerned look spreading her face.

"What happend honey" she caresses my hair.

"I'm leaving for Ohio in a couple of hours. They had to sign me up for the summer courses in order to fit me in the classes for fall or else I would have a hard time getting in next year" Prims jaw drops and she starts to cry and so does my mother.

"Can I leave some of my things here?" I say in between sobs.

"Of course you can honey this is still your home" she smiles through the tears. Madge helps me take in some of my small furniture and most of my things leaving me with 2 large suitcases.

"Thank you" I smile.

"Madge there is one last thing I need to do but I need to do this on my own" I say and she nods in understandment.

*A/N start listening to It is What It Is by Lifehouse*

"I'll be back later to say goodbye" I start to cry softly. I leave to my car and drive off to the bakery.

I sigh and hold back tears as I look at the doors infront of me. Part of me wants to call back and cancel and the other part wants to get on that plane. I enter the bakery doors and I'm soon met with a pair of ocean blue eyes.

"Hey Katniss" he says coming over and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"So I was thinking later we co-"

"Stop" I choke out. He looks at me.

"What's wrong Katniss" he says gently caressing my hand. Tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"Peeta just stop your making this harder than it already is" I start.

"I'm really sorry for what we went through but I can't I just I need to leave now" I say getting ready to leave not saying what I was ready to say.

"Katniss wait what" he grabs my arm and I yank it back coldly.

I look him dead in the eyes I keep every tear in that's threatening to spill.

"Peeta we, we need to break up" I say and I turn my head and go straight to my car. I drive home and run inside.

"I need to leave I need to leave now!" I demand pacing back and forth wiping tears that keep falling.

"Prim where Prim" I demand again. Prim comes popping out of no where with buttercup.

"Prim I'm sorry but I'm leaving for college please take care of mom Madge will come visit you I promise I'll send cards and letters I'm sorry" I cry.

"Katniss I'll miss you so much" Prim cries.

"And mom I'll be back I promise I'll visit" she hugs me one last time and me and Madge roll my 2 suitcases to my car and we drive off. I watch as we pass the bakery on the way and Peeta's car is missing.

We make it to the airport and Madge helps me wheel my bags through the people. She takes me to the check in.

"Uhm Katniss Everdeen flying one way to Ohio" I say to the check in lady. She scrolls through.

"Ah here we go Ms. Everdeen I'll take your bags and here's your tickets, your flight 457 exit 5" she says pointing to a huge line of people.

"Madge" I cry again.

"Katniss I will miss you" she cries also.

"Please tell the others that I'll visit soon I'll be back for Glimmers wedding, I promise".

"What about Peeta".

"I don't know he deserves better than me, I just have to leave before he tries to stop me" I say spilling more tears.

"I'm so sorry Katniss" she cries non stop.


We both look at each other and start crying and hug for the last time.

I turn to board the plane and I hear my name being yelled from afar.

"KATNISS WAIT" I see Peeta 2 floors above my boarding spot. Honestly I hope he doesn't make it. I wave goodbye to Madge one last time and get on the plane. About 3 minutes later the doors close and I can hear a guy yelling and people calling security behind the closed door. I slouch in my seat and look out the window and start to cry as the plane takes off. I can see Peeta and Madge through one of the windows. He is crying really hard and I did this to him all because of me wanting to go to college and being scared to tell him."Goodbye Peeta i love you" I whisper to the window.
**A/N You guys know when you comment on other stories and are all like "I'm crying" or "this story made me cry so much" well half the time your lying just except it :) but for real I did actually cry writing this since I have a deep deep love for EVERLARK and the damn auto correct keeps wanting to pronounce it ever lake < Wtf why Apple? Anyways I'm evil I know just except that too. :)

Is this the End of our Beginning? (Finding You Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz