Thanksgiving Break!

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I have just landed from my 2 and a half hour flight. I gather my purse and waddle my way through to the door in anticipation. I'm hit with the frozen air of Panem. Snowflakes dance through the wind and stick to my hair. I try to be a civil person and follow the others into the airport but I can't help but twirl around in the the falling snow. This doesn't last long because I start to loose feeling in my fingers so I cautiously run up to the remaining people entering the building. I'm the last person in giving me the struggle of going through all the reunited families. I just can't wait to se-

"PRIM" I half yell when I spot my sister standing next to my mom with a huge Welcome Home sign. I run up to them and Prim jumps into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Prim! I've missed you so much" I say twirling her around like she's still 7.

"I can't believe your home!". I place her back down and give my mom a long awaited hug.

"Welcome home Katniss" she smiles at me.

"So where's Plutarch". I question looking around.

"He's on a business trip I promise he'll be back tomorrow morning" My mom says squeezing my arm with a sigh.

"Of course". My step father failed to welcome me home, Dad would have been stalking me through the gate until he could get to me. Oh how I miss dad.

"Well let's get going Katniss we don't wanna get snowed in here" My mom teases. Off to get my suitcase we go.

When we get to the front steps of the house I let out a small sigh. My mom opens the door taking in a couple of grocery bags. All these memories pop into my head as we walk into the house.

"Meow" I look down to buttercups unsettling face.

"Aw" Prim says picking him up. She try's to put him in my arms but he hisses and swats me away with his ready to attack paw.

"Okay nvm" Prim says giving me an unsure smile setting him down as we enter the kitchen.

"Okay Katniss I'm thinking about starting the turkey around 12 tomorrow it should take around 5 hours. I need you and Prim to help with making the side dishes is that okay?" I look over to Prim and nod, she then gives Mom a reassuring nod.

"Okay great you guys are dismissed! Oh and Katniss you can stay in your old room I promise nothing has changed" she flashes a smile as she puts groceries away.

"Thank you" I smile. I walk over to the stairs and Prim has already started running up the stairs with my suitcase behind her.

"Thanks little duck" I say reaching up to her. She opens the door to my old room. Wow. My mom was right when she said nothing has changed. Everything was the same before I moved out. When I moved out. Peeta.

"Prim I need to talk to you" I say as she plops onto my bed.


"Remember when you skyped me before Halloween" I question.

"Ya" she says unsure of where this was going.

RING DING RING (What does a doorbell say :*D ring ding ding I'm done)

"KATNISS ITS FOR YOU!" My mom yells from downstairs. I run downstairs leaving Prim on my bed. When I turn the corner to see who it is my hand shoots up to my mouth covering a gasp. No it cant be!




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