Gem thief (Nightwing x villain reader)

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🤡 summary :

Needed to get the gem for the boss but unfortunately, the mission gets interrupted by someone...

Warning: 1-bad writing, 2-violence, 3-theft, 4-weapons, and 5-swearing.



Doing crime, unfortunately, wasn't your choice.

Because of this "mysterious" figure, You are obligated to do anything he orders, including doing crime full time -_-, sadly he thinks of you as "weak", "fragile" and "dumb".

so he assigns you the easiest missions he has.

Y/n pov:

still wondering why he assigned me in the first place if he thinks like that about me. (eye roll)

everyone pov:

at first, you were "weak" and "dumb" but with time you got your way around weapons and fighting techniques that helps you fight better.

Y/n pov:

tho it's better that he thinks like that about me, I don't want blood on my hands anyway.

once again my mission is simple, steal jewelry. Easy

Ready for the mission, equipped with everything I need. this is going to be quick

At the store

getting inside from the back door, Classic.

Your confidence was so high that you forgot to look inside before going in, but thankfully you were trained for this shit.

5 guards, cameras all around... this is harder than I thought, damn...It was supposed to be easy, This sucks.

I need to disable the cameras and go outside again to check for any electricity source. hmm..? all I can find is a light switch.. this will have to do! -breaking the light switch and getting to the wires inside-

Please work! -inserting the hacking piece- looking at your watch, PLEASE JUST WORK.

nothing... wow, so they're giving me broken shit now, all that is left is Improvising, let's hope this turns around.

disabling the lights instead with the same device, thankfully it worked with that but I need to be faster!

getting inside again, using stealth techniques you were working on for the past month, with a smoke bomb on hand, ready to throw at any second.

while the guards are panicking you swiftly took the gem he wanted and planted the explosives

leaving from the front door, dumb move but they surrounded the back door, they probably called the police by now, I need to leave before they arrive.

Taking off ASAP, running from street to street searching for your "escort" unfortunately they didn't come

The thing is if the police arrived it would've been fine, sadly something worse arrived...

immediately running in the opposite direction, no time to waste here, I need to deliver this gem to him.

automatically knew that "That" person is chasing looking back now,

stopping in the middle of the chase and throwing the bomb at him, stopping him in his track

can't see him from here with the smoke everywhere, running faster than before.

where the fuck are they? they are defiantly going to pay for this!

cutting you off, he lands on the floor perfectly after doing a back flip. "look what we have here? you surprised me back there no lie but the games are up!" smirking confidently at you

looking closer, immediately recognizing who it was it's Nightwing!... I need to stay focused as scary as this is, I will NOT lose!

"I've never seen you here before, are you perhaps new?" Nightwing trying to make small talk

oh please, is he trying to waste time right now? taking your guns out ready to shoot, "I see, you choose violence after all" disappointed but not surprised

finally doing his famous smirk and running at you, dodging his attack. instead, you attack him from the back

"interesting, I won't be easy on you now", shooting him, he dodges every single hit, throwing his Escrima Sticks at your guns before you can blink, ugh this sucks.

starting to panic, I must stay focused!

Nightwing casually walks closer to you but you're not having it tonight.

throwing the smoke bomb at him, without looking back, ran like there's no tomorrow.

meanwhile, he was coughing, he was almost annoyed.

"Hey!" Nightwing screamed, not even giving you a chance, catching up to you like he was the flash for a second

cornering you right into the alley, out of breath "Got you" stepping closer, finally pinning you to the wall.

stunned by this whole scene, not even noticing him taking the gem from you "You are so adorable, you know that?" slowly going away

"stay out of trouble, unless you want to see me again," Nightwing said winking at you.

"What was that" left you speechless, what am I going to say to the Boss now...


This is a very old one-shot and it was so freaking bad, I tried to fix it as much as I can. and I am still practicing still so it's not perfect but I hope you like it! if you do please tell me. ✨

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