Tape One.

7 0 1

A soft click was hear followed by the sound of gentle spinning of the Cassette recording noise. The sound of a chair creaked and a heavy sigh of a woman, tired, and unsure of what to say.

"Zizzle, my new helper has decide I have post traumatic depression, similar to Ptsd, which is post traumatic stress disorder, the difference is the affects."

The chair creaked again as she seemed to have leaned back trying to relax.

"She's probably right. It's hard after everything thats happened, dying and stuff you know? Having everything change."

She huffed a laugh.

"It sounds like when a child moves from one city to another, loosing all their friends. But the difference is...I dont want new friends."

The woman's voice came closer to the mic as if she was whispering. 

"Zizzle seems nice, the paladins seem nice, all of them are nice. I hate it. I dont want them to be nice to me, I dont want them to pity me. Im sick of it, ive done nothing to earn their trust, simply I woke up and suddenly I was High Lord of the world. The most important person. I had men and women alike swearing their lives to me...for what!? FOR ME TO SIT HERE? TO PLAY THE HOLY LIGHT? WHY."

The woman growled as the sound of what seemed to be magic wind chimes where herd...if played slowly the tape could let the listener hear the hidden voice...The voice sounded soft, and calming, bright and full of hope. 

"Siraa, you are blessed, pure and holy such as I, you are a child, a vestal of the light. You deserve the world it's self for the deeds you have done, you deserve no less than to be a queen...and I your god."

"Maybe...Maybe not...I guess we will see..."

"Get some rest child...You've had a long day..."

"Right...Siraa, Log one, time 7:57, day Tuesday, End log."

The tape ended and clicked.

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