Tape Eight.

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"...Its been a long time sense ive touched this...Better update it now before has my head."

Siraa snickered 

"So, over the last two months, ive been so busy, ive barely had time to even sleep, ive been living off about... three hours per night? Something like that, but there is reason for it so don't smite me yet ziz."

Siraa hummed a bit of a laugh again.

"Basically as it sits, we are one step away from ending it all. We have done the impossible. We have pushed the demonic titan back so far he's afraid...It wont be long before we end his rain, and Argus will go free! It's great news and I am happy but...at the same time im...really not...For the last two months I couldn't remember my past...and I dont mean like, a faded memory, when the war lord asked me where I grew up I....stuttered and sputtered I honestly couldn't remember...and why not? what caused this?...So I tried to remember what I could...but I cant get past one thing"

She took a deep breath 

"I cant remember past Arthas dying...and even that memory is slightly fuzzy...It bothered me but I was to busy to worry about it, killing demons and saving lives is my top job, until last night, when we celebrated, all the commanders of the world came together in Moonglade, because there are horde as well as Alliance, it was like magic. There was food, and drinks, games, and it was just what everyone needed before the final push. I was having a great time before...I briefly saw a man. I even know can not place his name...but...his hair was red like embers...After seeing him I felt sick to my stomach and went straight back to my room here in Lights Hope...but..."

Siraa's voice started to shake as she sounded as if she was going to cry, or already was.

"I remember past the point of arthas now...I remember a queen named Lana'thel...a king named Karsmore...and Orc named Grnash, a human with...with no eyes named Vrable...They where my friends...and I miss them...we went through a lot together...They where more than friends, they where family and now...I cant be with them, no matter hope much I would like...so...upon thinking for long enough...I remember about two to three months back...Xe'ra spoke to me...and I died...Not my resurrection, my resurrection was over...five or six months ago...I had KILLED my self...and I had forgot...so...thats what I am going to do from now on...when I remember those memories? I'll kill my self...and Xe'ra will revive me...reason I know?..."

Siraa got close to the mic calming her self down a bit so she was no longer snivling.

"She needs me more than Turalyon...So she will never let me die."

Siraa pulled away from the mic

"So, I am keeping a knife in the bathroom, and I'll do my best to not get blood everywhere, my desk is stained blue due to it, I don't need people question it. Sooooo.... Log time?...About 9 pm, day Friday, and I guess this ends the log...Lets hope I wake up more happy."

The tape stopped.

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