Tape Twelve.

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"Its perfect, absolutely perfect. He wasnts to make sure Mika wont become the king or whatever, soooo he need's to kill Thal'ena, the blood princess stuck in dalaran, and he wants me to come...what doesnt know is dalaran goes into full lock down once those gates open, once he kills Thal'ena, when he has just slayed her..."

Siraa's voice sounded twisted.

"That is when I will kill him, I will pin him down with judgment then it's all a matter of me shoving the twin blades through his head, and his chest, incinerating both his heart..."

Siraa sighed happy.

"And his mind. No more stalking me. No more taunting me. No more fear. No more..."

She softly mutters.

"No more Joe."

The tape ended.

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