Tape Thirteen.

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The click was herd but there seemed to be nothing more than silence in the room before a heavy breath.

"So...Here I am again, I remember. I remember it all..."

Her words where pained.

"...I remember Joe, does it make him better than I already think of him?...No. Not when he wants to kill them."

Siraa had a shuttered breath.

"Not when he wants to kill my children..."

Siraa seemed almost as if she was going to shatter with each sob.

"Thal'ena never turned Mika and Rosa...I did...I turned them, I trained them, I picked them to be the next king and queen. I changed their memories to Thal'ena being their master, but, it was all me. I was flying over head when I found a lodge set ablaze..."

Siraa shuttered .

"Inside was two teenagers drenched head to toe in their parents blood...They killed them, no due to murder, out of self defense...I had saw the father, he held a gun in one hand, and a silver knife in the other...He was going to kill them, and the wife no better...she had locked the door so they would not leave..."

Siraa gasped a little mid crying trying not to fall apart.

"The poor children, layed on the floor, rubble covering their bodies so they could not be freed...I couldn't leave them to die...So I broke them free of the rubble, I took them away, I bathed them...but they where not waking up so...I...bit them, to heal them, to give them the strength to live...when they awoke it was painful, they did not die, nor loose their worgen shape...They grew more fangs, hooked claws, their black hair turning as white as moonlight..."

Siraa snickered a small laugh.

"after the suffering...I took them to my other children, protected by their caretakers in the ruby sanctum, and I watched them, I watched them grow...I watched them mature and become good. Rosa loves the violin, I loved to hear her play for her younger brothers and sisters...Roo very just enjoyed it, Roo made his robots dance to every song..."

Siraa hick-uped bellowing a small sob.

"Mika loves to read, and sing, his voice is beautiful but he feels to shy to share it, so when ever I catch him singing, I do not bother him, I simply listen to his sweet melody for what feels like days...They...are my babies...just like Roo, like Kekek, and even Dornaa...I miss them all...I miss them so much...I will never see them again...But Mika and Rosa...I...I can not let Joe kill my children...I cant...I must protect them...No matter the cost...Even if it means I die for forsaking the light. I will protect Mika and Rosa. I promise..."

The tape ended.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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