Tape Four.

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Siraa seemed to linger on her words.

"Yeah, so Illidan blew up Xe'ra...that...that explains why I haven't herd from her I guess...Guess the light hasnt forsaken me its just...been blown to smithereens is all..."

Siraa cleared her throat being somewhat nervous to mention it.

"I'm somewhat shocked he wasn't killed by like...Velen...The Lightforged? Turalyon more specifically...I mean I herd what she did...the whole...trying to bind Illidan...but still, Illidan just killed a prime Naruu, and no one bats a real eye?...Im not saying I want Illidan locked up again but I do feel he deserves a bit of scolding. But maybe thats just me."

Siraa cleared her throat again, she seemed to want to speak but just shook her head, not speaking until there was a knock on the door

Siraa are you up? Go to bed dear...

"Right, sorry grandma.....Time 3 am, day Thursday, end log"

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