Tape Seven.

3 0 0

"Hey Ziz, do I really need to keep using these?"

I'd like you to, yes.

"But i feel better..."

Thats the problem...

"How is that a problem?"

Siraa, you've went from...Manic depression to just...sunshine and lollipops with a sky full of gum drops...

"Isn't that good?"

Siraa, no one changed that once, and not that quickly...I need you to keep using these tapes so I can figure things out...

"Alright...Recorder please?"

There was soft shuffling before Siraa's voice sounded closer than before, not annoyingly so but closer.

How are you feeling today Siraa.

"I feel alright, kinda tired but, not bad."

Thats good. What do you have planned for the day?

"Uh, well I have plans to go to Argus with Uraan..."

Anything else?

"Mostly just paper work."

Alright, is there anything on your mind you want to talk about...

"Um...Yes actually."

Siraa's voice seemed muffled as she seemed to move the mic away from her face, listening closely you could barely make out what she was saying.

"....Can you promise me you wont tell anyone about Xe'ra..."

Why do you want me to keep that a-

"Ziz. Promise me."

Alright I promise...

"No, I want you to give me your oath as a priest...do not tell anyone about this, ever..."

Zizzle seemed to sigh 

I'll put a protection seal to bind my lips...but Siraa, this is important...Are you sure...

"If I wasn't I wouldn't have asked, sorry to make you Ziz."

There was shifting before Siraa's voice was clear again.

"Time, 8 am, day Monday, end log."

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