Children of Blood

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While P2 was talking to Jack about some transportation, things were going from bad to worse with Juliet's father, Gabe.
Ever since she had left, he had to cancel out on huge deals for certain amounts of her precious healing blood. He had a few vials and packets saved up, but it wasn't enough to satisfy everyone.

"Darn it, Julie, why would you do something stupid and selfish!?", he barked, pounding the table in anger. "All the things I gave you just wasn't good enough, was it!? You just had to scamper off, didn't you!?  *Sigh* I swear, when I find you, I'll make sure you won't get away from me aga-"!

While he was venting, the phone rang. He groaned as he made his way towards it. He was getting very tired of telling people that he didn't have his supply anymore.

"Yeah, what is it?", he grumbled.

"Yes, hello? We require the sacred blood of our goddess. Money is no object", a quiet voice answered.

"Geez, are you a mouse or something? I'm sorry, but due to... difficulties, Red Girl salve is short in stock. It's really going to cost you if you have to have some", he explained.

"W-w-what!? Difficulties??? What happened, is our goddess safe"???

"Why do you keep calling her that? It's weird... Erm, yeah, she's just really tired. Anyway, I can get you another pack or vial, just have the requested amount ready, and call back. Bye".

On the other side of the phone, a man in a red garb with hood on hung up, shaken by what Gabe had told him.
He quickly exited the room, and ran into a large cathedral.
Inside, many people who were wearing the same type of garb as he was were talking amongst themselves, or treating some other people.

"I am very sorry, but we need all non-members to please exit our dwelling. Thank you for seeking our blood goddess for all of your healing needs", he said, as he helped them to the door.

"Zachary, what is the meaning of this?", the leader of the strange group asked.

"Ah, my father. Something ails our blood goddess. No more of her healing blood can be distributed amongst the populace!", he replied in a worried tone.

"T-this cannot be! Why has this happened"!?

"I'm unsure of the details, but what should we do? Without her blood, our future"...

"Hush, my child. Everyone, gather round".

The people in hoods went up to a giant stone statue of a woman, clothed with many fine red cloth and red flowers, and either sat, or knelt in front of it as the elder stood in front of them.

"We... Are the Children of Blood. It is our duty to spread the word of our goddess amongst the people, and show them proof of her existence with her sacred life force that heals all. However... It seems that something has prevented her from giving it out again. That is why we must take it upon ourselves to find, and aid her in spreading her gospel once again", the elder preached.

At first, all of the people were a bit scared when they found out this situation, but knowing that their supposed goddess needed help, they quickly cheered in unison, and were fired up to help her in her time of need.

"We must travel far and wide! We must find her, and beg her to keep giving her precious gift to us! Surely the cries of her people will renew her faith in humanity"!

And when he finished, the organization dispersed, and went to go search for Juliet.
But they weren't the only ones who were after her... In a secret testing facility in a government bunker, a scientist reported back to their captain.

"Sir, we just ran test 52 on our last sample, and-", he began to say.

"No, don't tell me... ", the captain groaned.

"It failed".

"I told you not to tell me! UGH! Every kind of manipulation and cloning we tried to do on this 'salve', as that Summers man called it, failed! It's like when it does what it's meant to do, it just crusts over, and dissipates! Even the crusts don't have the same healing properties anymore"!

"It's a shame, sir. ...Soooo, can I get back to testing the ultimate bounce house? Irving said he got it bounce people 10 feet in the air".

"Can't you see that this salve is more important than-!! 10 feet, huh? Impressive... Er, jot that down".

"Yes sir".

" *Ahem*! As I was saying, this salve is very important for when we need to invade other countries, and steal their resources from them. When our boys get injured, they can just slather that stuff on, and get right back up. We have got to find out where, or rather, who he's getting this from! I'll have some of our people search for any kind of information about about the Red Girl Salve"!

The captain gathered some of his most stealthiest agents, and sent them out.
Unbeknownst to the others, they now have two groups after Juliet's blood. Would they be able to get her safely? Or would she fall into the hands of a corrupt government, or even the cult???

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