Chapter 2: Roman

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I've always hated the pitiful looks people give me when they see my mark. Sure, it was light, but not like it wasn't there. I've tried to think positively about it since I was little.

Yet, it's been so hard. People kept telling me that I would brush past my soulmate on the street and suddenly my mark would be gone. That I'd have a high chance of never meeting them.

Oh, but I despised those looks. They never went away. Every time I saw someone, no matter what the circumstances, they felt badly for me. It's nice at first, but the more it happens the more it suffocates you.

Not to mention, the fact that I still haven't met my soulmate is quite sad when you've moved around as much as I have. One would assume I'd find them somewhere along the line. Alas, I was forced to wait another dreadful day.

I had moved once again and I awoke early to prepare my outfit. First impressions are everything. I got that selected quickly enough. There was still something bothering me, though. I didn't want any sad looks at my new school. Carefully, I selected a pair of red gloves to go with my outfit.

The first day went off without a hitch. It was easy, to say the least. Simply start talking to more and more people. Gradually, I would build up more and more attention. The booster of being a new student contributed to bring more curious eyes in. By lunchtime, I had a whole group of people around me. I was extremely proud of myself. I didn't see anyone who wasn't happy to welcome the new kid.

Until my eyes travelled farther. I found a big with his black and purple hoodie up over his head and a black mask on his face. Despite not seeing much, I could tell he was disappointed by me. I watched him huff and walk out of the room. Can't please everyone, I suppose.

     The day passed quickly enough. The same boy with the mask caught my attention a couple more times. It was strange, though. He seemed to be trying to fade into the background. For the most part, he was succeeding. The dark colors weren't noticeable and I couldn't see any facial features that would draw attention.

     I asked one of the people crowding me about him. I asked for his name and why he wore the mask. Someone said that no one like that attended the school, before the guy I asked in the first place answered. " His name is Virgil. As for the mask, I heard that it was for medical reasons, but I think there's a deeper meaning."

     My interest peaked. I didn't want to disturb the quiet boy, but I was extremely curious. Until the end of the day, I thought up creative ways that I could approach him. Maybe I would befriend him, even though his eyes held obvious disgust at the sight of me.

     I came to no solution that would end positively for me, so I gave my brain a break for the day. As I walked home from school, I reminisced about my previous school. I hadn't thought to cover my hands and I was quickly slapped on the list of people with unfortunate or unusual marks. People on that list consisted of people with hand marks on their cheeks, marks in uncomfortable places, and faint marks like mine.

     People on that metaphorical list were either bullied, avoided, or pitied. I'm sure this school would do the same thing to me as my last if they found out. My only solutions were to hide it until graduation, or find my soulmate so my mark would cease to exist and I would be eternally happy with them.

     My mind wandered some more when I heard a group of people talking. I snapped out of my trance and took in my surroundings. I must've taken a wrong turn somewhere because I was totally lost. That was not my main focus, though.

     I heard a mocking tone. It reminded me of the way people with uncomfortable marks would be bullied. Words like 'whore' and 'slut' were used often. Vile words. They made my stomach churn with disapproval. My eyes found the sources. A group of high school boys crowded around a figure that I couldn't see very well.

      My heroic instincts told me it was a damsel in distress. I decided to observe for a minute or two more. I picked up bits and pieces from their conversation:

" Wow, I didn't know sluts like that existed! He must be really desperate."

" Reply to me when I'm talkin' to you! I wanna see some words come out of that whore mouth." There was a jerking movement and I couldn't hold myself back anymore.

" What's going on here!?" I tried to look as brave as possible, but these goons out numbered me. They turned to face me and, in doing so, revealed the damsel in distress.

It was Virgil, with no mask and dark black lips.

Marks // Prinxiety and Logicality \\ Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now