Chapter 6: Roman

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" Virgil! Virgil this isn't funny!" I called as I desperately shook the frail boy in front of me. He didn't wake up despite my valiant efforts. " Shit!" I weighed the options in my head. All the responsible ones pointed to taking him to the hospital. I leaned him up against my bed and pulled his hoodie over his head.

My original reason for doing that was to cool him down in case he was overheating, but seeing him in only a thin white t-shirt made me heat up. I shook my head and stumbled out the door. I found my way through the party and to Logan. He was talking to Patton rather sternly. I tugged him away and asked him what I should do.

" Logically you would take him to the hospital. But you seem to think messing around is the right course of action," He pushed his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose. I was amazed at his lack of literally freaking out at everything I was telling him.

I rushed back up the stairs, scared a couple out of my room, grabbed Virgil and locked the door behind me. I dragged him out to the car with much difficulty. He was surprisingly heavy for such a snowflake of a guy. On the way to the hospital, I pondered all the possible things that could've caused such a problem.

Perhaps it was the fight that had occurred the previous day? He did seem to be in pain on the way to the apartment. " Why the shit didn't I notice?!" I hit the fake leather of my car and sped closer to the ER.

It was so much faster just to drive, instead of waiting for an ambulance and causing a scene at such a huge party. Plus, I'm certain Virgil would've killed me for drawing attention to him. I heard him groan and my heart raced. I needed to be faster. What if something was seriously wrong?!

It seemed like it was too long of a trip to reach the nearest hospital. Virgil was rushed off into the care of nurses and doctors. I followed them as far as I could. I found myself waiting in the waiting room for an hour. At one point, they tried to get me to fill out a form for Virgil, but I knew too little about him. " Excuse me, sir? Are you with Virgil?"

I stood up faster than humanly possible. " Yes! I am! Is he okay?!" I wheezed out quickly. The man seemed calm, and that worried me more.

" He's going to be fine. Looks like a fractured rib caused his fall, and he passed out from hitting a hard surface. We're checking for any signs of a concussion. Nothing serious, but we gave him some meds for the rib. Any idea what could've caused such a nasty injury?" The doctor looked up from his clipboard to make eye contact with me.

I fell back into my chair with a huge sigh of relief. " Thank God. Yes, I think I know what caused it. Some thugs messed with him yesterday. I didn't realize he'd been hurt." I felt every breath of air becoming shorter with expectation.

" Normally, I would say fractured ribs aren't a big deal. However," The doctor's words set my nerves on edge. " This one was rather close to puncturing the right lung. Glad you got him to us before anything bad happened. That would've been a real emergency."

" Can I see him?"

" Yes, he was requesting that. Room 205-" I cut the doctor off with a hug and a 'thank you' before rushing towards the elevator. I couldn't get there fast enough, and I didn't understand why. Why was I so concerned about a stranger? What separated him from everyone else? He wanted to constantly stay in the shadows, while I wanted to be in the spotlight!

I burst into his room and I was by his bedside in an instant, breathing harshly from my run on the way to him. Virgil was propped up by several pillows and seemed to be much better. He laughed half-heartedly as his eyes focused on me. On me and only me.

" Notice anything different?" He smiled and my heart did a backflip. Tears formed in my eyes as I reached out and ran my thumb along his lips. His perfect, pink lips. I pulled away and glanced down at my hand. The mark was gone.

Marks // Prinxiety and Logicality \\ Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now