Chapter 8: Logan

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     Such a simple word. No hidden meanings or confusions. It was exactly what it promised it would be. The mate of the soul. The perfect match.

     I could hardly believe mine was such an idiot.

     When I'd driven him home that previous night, he'd practically been bouncing off the walls with excitement. My brain had been releasing quite a bit of dopamine every time he touched me, and I'm ashamed it took me so long to realize that he was my soulmate.

     My senior year of high school and I'd already found my life's partner. A scary thought indeed. Before I'd dropped him off, he'd insisted that we take a photo together to commemorate the occasion. He pulled me to the front door, woke up his parents and his mother took the picture for him.

     He'd sent it to me, and I caught myself staring at it recently. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that he did meet most of my requirements in a partner:

     •He was entertaining.
     •He was quite visually appealing.
     •He wasn't exactly intellectual, but we can ignore that for now.
     •He was my soulmate.
     •And he was also a person, which I valued greatly since anything less would've insulted my pride.

     That was practically the whole list. There were a few more on there, but I realized I was gay and those requirements became null and void.

     Don't ask.

     The morning came quickly and I found myself in a bit of a haze. It almost felt as though I had gone and had a few too many cups of punch. Patton was the first person I thought of in the morning and it was almost sickly sweet how much I wanted to see him.

     Groggily, I climbed out of bed and put my glasses on. A ding sounded from across the room. I stumbled over to my phone and nearly tripped over myself at the sight of a text from Patton. I snatched up the electronic device and opened the text.

     Hey Logan, it read, I know we only just found out about the whole 'soulmates' thingy, but I think today would be a cool time to hang out.

     I found my face heating up slightly at a stray thought. Was he asking me on a date? I hardly knew him, though I was completely willing to drop everything to see him. A sigh left my mouth. My brain was in disarray. Emotions were never supposed to override the logical side of my mind.

     Yet, here I was. Pressing send on a text I didn't realize I'd been composing. A time and place had been decided on before I could process what I'd just done. I threw my phone onto my bed and ran my fingers through my hair.

     " What is wrong with me," I mumbled to no one. I snatched up my keys and my portable electronic device once again, proceeding to leave the house in what was fairly close to a mad dash. Maybe just a semi-disturbed dash.

     I found myself driving in the blink of an eye. By all laws of reality, this soulmate thing really was dangerous. What if I had crashed due to being unaware of anything or anyone. Well, not anyone. I was extremely aware that Patton was waiting for me in a tiny cafe and I was about to see him again.

     I rolled my window down to try and bring my senses back to the real world. I turned a corner and there it was; the cafe. I parked my car in a nearby parking building and made my way towards the decided meeting point. I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks.

     Patton sat at an outdoor table with the sun shining down on him. His hair framed his face perfectly, and his eyes illuminated the air around him. His gaze moved upwards from the menu to me and I felt a sudden - yet delightful - pain in my chest.

Marks // Prinxiety and Logicality \\ Soulmate AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن