Chapter 9: Virgil

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Thank you to @ChewyDotCom for the lovely fanart!!

     Thank you to @ChewyDotCom for the lovely fanart!!

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     I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and pained. I took the medicines that I had been recommended. I went about my daily routine almost completely undisturbed.


I stared at my couch, confused. Roman was sprawled out on it. He'd refused to let me walk home and then escorted me up to my apartment. I had noticed during that short climb up a few stairs that he was highly fatigued. So, being the wonderful soulmate that I am, I let him sleep on my couch.

He had pushed that he should sleep in my bed with me, but there wasn't a chance in hell of that happening. He was still an acquaintance. Albeit, one I'd spend the rest of my life with.

Annoyed with the fact that I couldn't watch my morning TV with him blocking my seat, I decided the best course of action would be to shove him off the couch and steal the it for myself. When this was done, there were a few 'manly' screams from a protesting Princey.

" Virgil! You could've just asked me to move," his husky morning voice groaned at me. He rolled around on the floor until he was looking up at me. " I would've gotten up."

" I like this way more." I smirked down at him. Roman's cheeks became a deep red hue and a uncalled for feeling of pride seeped into me. I made him embarrassed. I made him look like a tomato first thing on the morning. Miracles truly do happen.

He practically jumped to his feet and strolled into my kitchen as if he owned the place. I followed at his heels and watched as he opened my fridge. Finding it nearly barren, he whipped around and crossed his arms. " I hope this doesn't mean you've been skipping meals."

I waved him off and walked to a cabinet. I pulled out a box of crackers and strolled back into my living room. " Relax, drama king," I replied. " I'm perfectly healthy occasionally."

He scoffed, " Occasionally?!" I fell back onto the couch and flipped through channels on my television. " Virgil, that cannot be a good habit."

" I don't remember asking your opinion, mother," I chuckled. He clawed his way back on the couch and somehow managed to weasel his way behind me. Before I knew it, my back was pressed against his chest and his chin rested on the top of my head.

Roman's warm breath tickled my face as a news reporter talked about the weather. My own breathing picked up and thoughts began to poke my mind. What did I really know about Roman? Who was he when we weren't together? Why did he smell so perfect?

Why was I letting a complete stranger hold me like this? Were his arms wrapping around me? Was the room always this small?

I shoved Roman away and stood up. " Personal bubble, please," I whispered, suddenly out of breath. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and trudged into my tiny kitchen.

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