Chapter 5: Virgil

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Of course it was the new kid.

The bullies sneered and turned completely to face the new toy. I yanked my mask back over my face and tried to use the sudden distraction an escape. I was not so fortunate, as the leader grabbed my hood and held me back. " Hey, Gary." One of his goons called. " Is this kid a friend of yours too?"

I didn't enjoy the way he said friend while cracking his knuckle. If this prince-like character got hurt on my account, I could kiss my life in the shadows goodbye. " Nah, but I think we should get to know him." He stalked towards the student with disdain in his eye, me in tow, and a smirk on his lips.

" Is this little whore yours?" He chuckled despite the absence of any jokes. His target maintained eye contact; a foolish move. One of the cronies approached him on the opposite side and raised a broken beer bottle.

My eyes widened at the sudden change in stakes. This could seriously injure him. It took too long to find my voice as the bottle began to lower. In a burst of unbridled energy, I screamed through my mask, " Look out, Princey!"

The stranger seemed to get the message and had just enough time to move slightly to the left. The bottle came crashing down on the pavement beside him. The boy yelped in pain as a gash opened on his left arm. The leader- Gary- tossed me to the ground. I attempted to stand, but he slammed his boot into my chest.


That was definitely one of my ribs, probably a fracture. I bit my lip until I could taste the irony red substance escape. The pain was intense, and I found myself unable to suck in air. Whether that was from the foot on my ribcage or the fractured rib itself, I wasn't sure. I wrapped my hands around Gary's ankle and struggled to move him. Needless to say, it didn't work.

A great pressure was released when Princey socked the leader right in his smug little face. He stumbled off of me and I rushed to stand. My savior was already busy with trying to pry a crony off of him with his one good arm. I nursed my chest and tried to not move too much. It hurt immensely and I found myself to be of little help in the fight.

I had just enough time to kick someone in the ankle before shouting was heard. I didn't understand the reasoning behind Gary's call for a retreat until I saw the police officer nearing. " Hey! You kids alright?"

I waved and nodded as my little positive answer. I was in fact not alright, but Princey was more in need of help than I was. Plus, I'd had fractured ribs before. It was nothing serious, and I could take care of it myself.

The police officer took us back to his car and wrapped the new kid's injuries. He asked a few questions about what had happened, and I answered them to the best of my ability. The officer kindly sent us on our way and drove off. That left me alone with pretty boy as we awkwardly walked in the same direction.

" So, um. . ." He startled me a bit with the beginnings of a conversation. " I'm Roman." He introduced himself, holding out his hand. Despite him saving my butt previously, a part of me wanted to stay distant.

" Yeah." I didn't return the introductions. " I don't do human contact." He pulled back his hand quickly

" I just. . . You called me Princey earlier. . . While you were warning me about the bottle. Thanks, by the way." His prideful exterior evaporated, and was replaced by nervousness. Why?

I recalled the fact that my mask hadn't been on when he'd first seen me. " Forget everything you heard and saw today. Especially about me."

I stopped in front my apartment complex. I typed a password into the keypad and the main door unlocked. " Thanks, I guess. Don't get involved with me anymore. It'll ruin you." I started to close the door.

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