Chapter 10: Roman

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I grumbled and pulled my jacket closer around me. It was a lovely morning to be kicked out of your soulmate's apartment. I still had a crick in my neck from sleeping on his couch. My hair was messy and I almost looked as though I were taking the walk of shame to my car.

May I just say, the parking building for this apartment complex was really far away and I was having a hard time enjoying the nice morning with a certain thought popping in my head. I couldn't believe I had to be extra gentle with Virgil when all I wanted to do was crush him in a hug. Though, that wouldn't be smart with his fractured rib.

No matter. A promise was a promise, and I intended to keep it.

The wind brushed past me and I could've sworn it was getting colder the further I walked. Wasn't it extremely pleasant when I left Virgil's place? Was there a sudden storm or something? Deciding that must be the case, I hurried to my car. It was within fifteen feet of me when a car sped down the road past me, blaring rap music and splashing through a puddle next to me.

Now, I was soaked to the bone, freezing, and still dreaming about holding Virgil in my arms. I tried to think of something, anything else to distract me from my current predicament.

I recalled Patton texting me about taking Logan out to eat. I'm certain they were having a wonderful time. I'm sure Virgil was enjoying a lazy day inside and doing absolutely nothing exciting. The thought made me jealous. I reached my car and and pulled the door open. I was hit with a foul odor and I gagged.

I searched around for a source, and found a note tucked under my windshield wipers. It read:

Dear car owner,
My cat climbed in via your sunroof and marked his territory. I was able to get him out before he could tear it up. You have leather seats, so it shouldn't stain, but I'll pay for any damages.

I found a phone number written at the bottom of the note. Great! Simply great! I pulled a dusty towel out of my trunk and set it over the driver's seat just in case. I got in, opened all the windows, and started driving. I grumbled to myself about the unfairness of life. How was it possible to have your day completely ruined when it wasn't even noon yet?!

I got to a stoplight and looked out my window. I noticed the road up ahead was blocked for construction. " No! Come on!"

I turned onto the road marked 'detour' and swore to myself. All I wanted was a peaceful day, maybe time with my soulmate, and I didn't get any of those things. I came to the end of the street and noticed nothing but houses. There was no exit onto another street. It was just a dead end. I stared in confusion for a few minutes before someone approached my car.

It was a man of about thirty. Very clean shaven and fatherly-looking. " Hey, son. You just come from the construction block?"

I nodded. He sighed. " Sorry, boy. One of the neighbor's kids thought it would be funny to mark this street as a detour. It's only a dead end. Trust me, I've been trying to escape here for ten years."

I opened my mouth to respond, but found no words. The man smiled and began to laugh. " I'm just kidding, son. Turn around and take Wilmoore street. It'll lead you back to Main Street."

I thanked him and followed his instructions. I turned onto his suggested street and found myself back on my intended route. I noticed the sky had cleared up to reveal a beautiful, sunny day. I breathed in deeply and looked out the window. The sun illuminated a cozy little cafe perfectly. The people outside seemed so calm and undisturbed by the world around them. I slid to a stop at a light and felt much more relaxed.

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