Chapter 12: Logan

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Quickly before this chapter, I would like to apologize for the late update! There have been some family issues that have prevented me from writing! I usually try to aim for a chapter every month, but August was not kind to me. I am going to do my best to give you the usual September update on top of this, and I apologize for making you guys wait!

Now on to the chapter~


     I shut the door to my apartment and sunk to the ground. My face was a thousand shades of red all at once. How could I say such things to my soulmate?!

     I'll get that kiss from you later.

     Because you're hot.

     My brain screamed at me and began to malfunction as I recalled the events of the day. I took several deep breaths, and crawled to the couch. " Stay calm," I told myself. " Just focus on the new information you've gathered on your soulmate."

     My brain flashed back to when Patton showed me his little tattoo. At the time, I had to force myself not to stare at it. The stupid after-effects of meeting my soulmate were influencing my thoughts. For a reason that still baffled me, I found the permanent ink on his skin to be quite attractive.

     That led my mind to start imagining the innocent Patton in a tattoo shop, getting such a thing drawn on him. Imagining him willingly allowing any sort of needle near him seemed so strange; Someone who jumped at the mention of a spider.

     Either way, I was home from a chaotic day and I was doing quite well. I made myself a sandwich, having realized I hadn't been able to eat at the cafe, and I reminisced over my previous life. I noticed there was a significant increase of crazy events happening now that I had met my soulmate.

     I sat down on my recliner and I pondered my mother's love life. She was the only example I'd had growing up. She told me that soulmates didn't always result in perfect happiness. She divorced my father when I was a very small child, and spared me none of the details. My father was an alcoholic, even the soulmate bond could not protect my mother from the consequences.

     My father was hardly present in my life, but I'd say it wasn't really important. He came to a couple of my birthday dinners when I reached my teenage years, and he said he had sobered up. I didn't need him by then, as I was already preparing to live on my own. Mother had said it would be a big change, but it would be healthy for me to learn how to survive on my own.

     The only thing I did not understand in this world was soulmates, yet here I was! I was trying desperately to figure out the soulmate bond and the effects of meeting your soulmate. My hormones were completely distorted, now, and Patton was entirely to blame. I felt unwarranted attraction towards someone who was still only an acquaintance to me. I was suddenly spurting pick-up lines with no previous knowledge of how to properly use them.

     Nothing could've prepared me for the disaster to follow coming in contact with my soulmate. Patton was a bundle of joy, but his past seemed like it could cause trouble for us in the future, especially now that it appeared to be catching up to him. With all that happened to him, I questioned how he was able to keep up such a positive personality.

     And yet, I felt quite content with the day's work events. I suppose I was a bit bipolar about it all. Patton had opened up to me, and let me see him when he was vulnerable. But he was hurting on the inside, and that hurt me in return. Why don't they teach you how difficult relationships are in school?!

     I lamented my peaceful pre-soulmate life. While I no longer had to worry about the possibility of slapping my life partner, I had to now strive to create a positive relationship with Patton. I still pondered over the universe's sense of humor, not sending me someone who was my equal.

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