Chapter 13: Virgil

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The nurses told me to leave around dinner time. I wasn't family, so I couldn't stay. Rent and Roman both assured me it would be fine. With nothing left to do, I returned home. Roman said he had to finish homework, and recommended I do the same.

Returning to my apartment, and realizing I'd left my homework in my locker was probably the final straw for me. I turned on the shower and sat under the water, fully clothed, for an unspecified amount of time.

The clock ticked loudly from the hallway and I wondered if the continuous stream of water beating down on my back would drive me crazy. I wondered why the people that meant the most to me always ended up getting hurt. Soon enough the water grew cold, but I didn't feel it. The burning questions inside my soul kept the temperature bearable.

     Or maybe that was my hoodie.

     After awhile, my anxiety crawled up my spine as I realized I had just hours left to complete my homework and get a decent amount of sleep. Though, when was my sleep schedule ever healthy?

     As long as I maintained a good GPA, I could get into college, hopefully on scholarship. Then, I'd be free of it all. I could leave it behind, never really knowing what happened to my senior class. I'd never see them again. I'd probably only stay in contact with a few people. A thought rolled into my mind and I blushed a bit, despite the freezing water that was now in the back of my mind.

     Roman would be with me forever.

     He was my soulmate, wasn't he? He would stick with me through thick and thin. . . Wouldn't he? So far he didn't seem like one of those toxic partners that were, unfortunately, a problem. Maybe I would live happily with him? Maybe. . . Maybe. . . Maybe. . .

     Too many maybes and I'd have a midlife crisis right there in my bathtub. With the way things were going right then, 18 might actually be the middle of my life. I'd die of bubonic plague at 36 or be stoned to death in the square for being a witch.

     Quite frankly, neither of those options sounded worse than homework. Can't damage my GPA if I'm dead.

     I sighed and climbed out of the shower. My clothes were soaked and so were my dreams. I turned off the water and proceeded to my room to do three miserable hours worth of homework. All the while, I contemplated how long it would take me to jump off the nearest bridge.

An hour in, my phone buzzed loudly. I picked it up, hoping for a distraction. The screen showed a small notification and I grimaced.

Bank Account Refilled.

Yeah, I guess they were still alive. What a wonderful way to find out. My focus was momentarily disrupted, but I tried my hardest to get back on track. Soon, it was 12am and I was finished. I pushed away from my desk and stretched. Weariness overpowered the part of my brain itching to scroll through my phone for six hours. I collapsed on my bed, my earlier shower now only a faint dampness in my memories.

Marks // Prinxiety and Logicality \\ Soulmate AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum